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    I Think About You In The Summertime – (Chapter: 3: Dinner at the Carlins)

    I was at a loss for words. I didn’t know what to say, or what to do. I just stood there staring blankly at her with my mouth agape. 

    The blonde lady gives me the once over and frowns. “Oh well that is nice of you.” 


    She says I could tell she didn’t really believe her words. 

    “Did you hear that boys!” She shouts to what I’m guessing is her husband and son. “Cookies!”

     “Oh sweet!” A blonde scruffy looking boy comes up and reaches for the plate, and looks me up and down. What is with this family eyeing me up? Hm. Guess I can’t blame them can I? He smirks, winks, “thanks gorgeous” he says to me and walks away. “Well that was nice of you.”


    A man with a dark curly mop of hair, and a five o clock shadow appears in the doorframe. He smiled at me, I could tell from the get go this man was kind. His eyes were warm and comforting, they gave me confidence and suddenly I felt in control again.

     “I’m Ashley.” I hold my hand out, “Ashley Davies”. “You can call me Mr. Carlin”. The man takes my hand without a second thought. “Mrs. Carlin” the lady says still looking a bit taken a back. I guess it was my outfit that did her in. I smiled catching the eyes of the blonde in back as she stepped forward.


    “Spencer” she had a beautiful voice. It caught me by surprise how beautiful she really was up close. 

    Her blonde hair framed her face so perfectly it was honey blonde and straight. Her blue eyes gave off a spark and I don’t think it was even possible for me to look away. She was wearing a pink polo and jeans even though it was still a blazing 90 degrees or so even as the sun was setting. 

    “And that jerk off I call my brother, is Glen”. Spencer said to me as she smiled. 

    “Well you must be about the same age as Spencer wouldn’t you say?” Mr. Carlin asked me. “Seventeen?” He asked. “I turned eighteen last month,” I rasped out. 

    Spencer continued to smile at me and I returned it graciously. “Well isn’t that perfect!” Mr. Carlin exclaims. I was glad at least he liked me because I could tell that Mrs. Carlin took no particular interest in me whatsoever.

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