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    I Try To Deny It – (Chapter: It’s on)

    Ashley watched as the blonde’s body sauntered hypnotically down the hallway. Just back and forth, back and forth. Begging, no, screaming, to be touched. Unconsciously Ashley’s lips parted a smidgen and saliva slowly pooled in the basin that was her mouth. Aiden shook his head at the embarrassing display. She was at it again.

    "Ashley, your practically drooling." He pointed out.

    She didn’t even notice his comment seeing as her eye were glued on the girl’s body. Damn, did that girl look good. Aiden exhaled and asked himself why he even bothered. It was like this every time Spencer walked by. She’d barely been a student at King High for 2 months and already Ashley had come up with multiple schemes to get into her pants.

    Aiden waved his hand in front of the brunette’s line of vision, interrupting her view of the blonde. Ashley quickly snapped to attention and grinned sheepishly at him.

    "I was doing it again, wasn’t I?" she asked.

    All he did was nod. He wasn’t planning on getting into this conversation, or rather monologue, on why Spencer was just so intriguing. His plan backfired. Ashley saw his non-responsiveness as a sign to continue on whatever she was thinking of.

    "I don’t know exactly what it is about her…" she started.

    Before she could say anything else Aiden cut her off.

    "Do not try and figure it out right this moment, we have five minutes until class and knowing you it’ll take six just to list all of Spencer’s charming, er… "attributes"." He snickered.

    "Hey, she’s hot what can I say?" she grinned slyly. "Don’t tell me that you’ve never checked her out."

    "I can honestly say that I do not zone out like a zombie every time I see her, if that’s what you mean. I’m not obsessed, unlike someone I could mention."

    Ashley derisively snorted.

    "I am not obsessed."

    "Oh yeah? Anyone else would say otherwise."

    Ashley conceded that point to him.

    "Okay, so maybe I’m a little obsessive but it’s not like I’m a stalker."

    Aiden lifted a single eyebrow.

    "What color are her eyes?"

    Before Ashley could check herself she was answering the question.


    Aiden smiled as if that was all he needed to prove his point. Ashley pouted.

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    1. i love it. absolutely, in fact i love all your writing. so it doesnt surprise me that i love this one too. oh, and since you asked, my day was milding entertaining, all thought i slept the majority of it away. i woke up at 12 with a headache, and since im anti meds i went back to sleep and woke up at 4, so currently i have only been up 6 or so hours. and im sorry your day sucked, anything i can do to brighten it a little?

    2. okay, so i like read your comments and something about not finishing your other story and that didn’t phase me BUT then i bothered to check what exactly that other story is and all i have to say is PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don’t stop posting on that story. I LOVE that ff. I checked as much for that ff as i did for Best of Me (my most favorite ff ever). So anyway, please continue posting for SIMR…..oh and nice start.

    3. Great start, I’m definetely interested in the storyline. I totally think you should continue with your other story, though, but if you have writer’s block what can you do right. I just read Clomle’s finishing chapter as well and i loved it. Sorry your day sucked, so did mine. It started bad (ran out of coffe) and it ended bad(i have a ton of work to do and 10 hours to get it finished, i should probably get back to it). Anyway, be well and you are so totally pimping righ now. PMS!

    4. Okay so I love this idea. Your other story is awesome so I know this ones going to be up there on the awesomeness scale (yes I made one up go with it). My day was alright, I actually didn’t have to work today but they called me in anyway cause…I’m a gullible sap. Eh, at least its more hours. How was yours? Please update soon cause I like bets, especially when they have to do with Spashley goodness. :)

    5. I really do love it. But, God Ashley, what have you got yourself into. Who could resist Spencer? Man. This is going to be a good chapter, for rizzzzleee. yeah i totally went gangster there. And to how I am? Well, fine. Kind of gloomy, but still okay. I sat at home.. ALL day. And will for tomorrow, too. My last day of winter break tomorrow, and I’m so not wasting it by actually PARTICIPATING in life, pssshhh..Anyway, how are you.

    6. i love it. absolutely, in fact i love all your writing. so it doesnt surprise me that i love this one too. oh, and since you asked, my day was milding entertaining, all thought i slept the majority of it away. i woke up at 12 with a headache, and since im anti meds i went back to sleep and woke up at 4, so currently i have only been up 6 or so hours. and im sorry your day sucked, anything i can do to brighten it a little?

    7. okay, so i like read your comments and something about not finishing your other story and that didn’t phase me BUT then i bothered to check what exactly that other story is and all i have to say is PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don’t stop posting on that story. I LOVE that ff. I checked as much for that ff as i did for Best of Me (my most favorite ff ever). So anyway, please continue posting for SIMR…..oh and nice start.

    8. Great start, I’m definetely interested in the storyline. I totally think you should continue with your other story, though, but if you have writer’s block what can you do right. I just read Clomle’s finishing chapter as well and i loved it. Sorry your day sucked, so did mine. It started bad (ran out of coffe) and it ended bad(i have a ton of work to do and 10 hours to get it finished, i should probably get back to it). Anyway, be well and you are so totally pimping righ now. PMS!

    9. Okay so I love this idea. Your other story is awesome so I know this ones going to be up there on the awesomeness scale (yes I made one up go with it). My day was alright, I actually didn’t have to work today but they called me in anyway cause…I’m a gullible sap. Eh, at least its more hours. How was yours? Please update soon cause I like bets, especially when they have to do with Spashley goodness. :)

    10. I really do love it. But, God Ashley, what have you got yourself into. Who could resist Spencer? Man. This is going to be a good chapter, for rizzzzleee. yeah i totally went gangster there. And to how I am? Well, fine. Kind of gloomy, but still okay. I sat at home.. ALL day. And will for tomorrow, too. My last day of winter break tomorrow, and I’m so not wasting it by actually PARTICIPATING in life, pssshhh..Anyway, how are you.

    11. hey there. I really really like where this is heading so pleeasse updat soon!! :D pretty please with sugary goodness on top… and ur day sucked? thats not good. so did mine majorly. my gfs grandma found out she has advanced Cancer (im close to her too) annnnd next week we have to drive pop to sydney for an operation for…guess? cancer! argh… anywhos i really hope u and me both have better days :)

    12. hey there. I really really like where this is heading so pleeasse updat soon!! :D pretty please with sugary goodness on top… and ur day sucked? thats not good. so did mine majorly. my gfs grandma found out she has advanced Cancer (im close to her too) annnnd next week we have to drive pop to sydney for an operation for…guess? cancer! argh… anywhos i really hope u and me both have better days :)

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