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    I Write Sins Not Tragedies – (Chapter: A whole lot of talking)


                “Yeah, okay,” I respond realizing how dry my throat is. Probably because I’m so nervous! She turns to look at me, and her expression is unreadable.


                “How long…how long have you two been…sleeping with each other?” she asks, the last bit coming out a bit quickly. I don’t want to answer, but I know she deserves answers, and most of all, she deserves the truth.


                “Since spring break.” She looks mildly surprised.


                “Well, at least you didn’t get with me to try and get close to her.”


                “I would never do something like that,” I answer somewhat hurt. “You do mean a lot to my Kyla,” she scoffed at my response, but before I could defend myself any further, she asked her next question.


                “Is she better than me?” Wait, what? She really wants an answer to this question? Damn! I feel like a guy who just got asked by his girlfriend whether or not she looks fat. There’s really no easy answer for this. She lets out a snort, which immediately grabs my attention. “What the hell am I thinking?” Oh I wish I knew! “Of course she’s better than me! You wouldn’t be sleeping with her if there wasn’t something wrong with me, right?” I shouldn’t have been surprised that this was her train of thought, I mean, why else does one go to someone else for sexual satisfaction? But no, there was nothing wrong with Kyla when it came to sex, but Ashley just brought out the passion and animalistic desire. Kyla was good, but I’ve never felt the need to just rip off all her clothes and just have her in that moment, not like I did with Ashley. Every moment with Ashley, and most moments away from her, I craved her. That’s what makes our sex so fantastic.


                “No Ky, there was nothing wrong with you…it’s just…”


                “Just what Spencer?” I notice that she doesn’t use my nickname. “What drew you to Ashley?” Well, other than the fact that she’s practically the walking definition of sex, there’s a number of other reasons that I’m sure Kyla’s not interested in hearing.


                “When this began, with her and me, it was just physical. I was drawn to her sexually, nothing more. I know you don’t want to know this, but she’s adventurous in bed…” before I can continue on, Kyla interrupts me.


    1. ok spencer…dumbass. sorry, but you are. OBVIOUSLY if you wake up craving ashley…you’re IN LOVE with her. duh. good god you’re an idiot. so fucking blind. gah. can we get this girl some lasik surgery or something? because honestly. i’m about to flip a shit and beat her down. good god. piss me off haha.

    2. ok spencer…dumbass. sorry, but you are. OBVIOUSLY if you wake up craving ashley…you’re IN LOVE with her. duh. good god you’re an idiot. so fucking blind. gah. can we get this girl some lasik surgery or something? because honestly. i’m about to flip a shit and beat her down. good god. piss me off haha.

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