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    I Write Sins Not Tragedies – (Chapter: A whole lot of talking)


                “Probably because she’s a whore,” she mumbles. That last bit doesn’t escape me despite the fact that she mumbled it. I feel anger boiling inside of me.


                “You take that back! How dare you call her a whore!” I say in a low and angry voice. Maybe it was wrong for us to sneak behind Kyla and Aiden’s back, but there’s no need to call Ashley a whore. She looks at me, and I see fear with a slight tinge of sadness cross her eyes.


                “I’m sorry,” she says quietly. “That was out of line.” She sighs and looks away. “This has just been a lot to take in, and I just want to blame it on the both of you. But I think…I think in some way I’m responsible; for pushing you away, or for not being what you needed.” I look at her as if she’s crazy.


                “Kyla, there’s no way this is your fault. This just happened. It’s not as though you were emotionally unavailable, or neglectful, or anything even remotely resembling a bad girlfriend. Ashley and I getting together, that was by chance. You and Aiden were gone, we went out just for an innocent night of fun, and then we discovered our attraction for each other. You didn’t push me away, if you had, I wouldn’t be with you right now.” She still wasn’t looking at me, but I could tell she was letting it all sink in. Then she asks a question, one that I definitely wasn’t expecting.


                “Will you still go to prom with me?” She turns around to face me once again, and I must look very attractive. My mouth is open, my eyes are wide and confused, and I can’t seem to form anything resembling a coherent thought. She smiles weakly at me, and I’m totally and utterly confused.


                “You want to go to prom with me…still?” I manage to ask. She blushes profusely.


                “Well, yes. This is going to sound stupid, because I just found out yesterday that you’ve been cheating on me, and with my sister, but prom is prom. I have a dress, dinner reservations, a limo, and well…I mean, for the past six months I’ve thought of going to prom with you. I mean, we may not be together…” I stopped listening after this part.


    1. ok spencer…dumbass. sorry, but you are. OBVIOUSLY if you wake up craving ashley…you’re IN LOVE with her. duh. good god you’re an idiot. so fucking blind. gah. can we get this girl some lasik surgery or something? because honestly. i’m about to flip a shit and beat her down. good god. piss me off haha.

    2. ok spencer…dumbass. sorry, but you are. OBVIOUSLY if you wake up craving ashley…you’re IN LOVE with her. duh. good god you’re an idiot. so fucking blind. gah. can we get this girl some lasik surgery or something? because honestly. i’m about to flip a shit and beat her down. good god. piss me off haha.

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