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    I Write Sins Not Tragedies – (Chapter: First Date)

                A date! Oh geez! I can’t believe we’re actually going on a date! What the hell am I going to wear? There are sooo many options! There’s casual-casual, casual, casual- formal, formal, formal-formal. Where are we even going? Should I look dressy, sexy, classy, hot? How am I going to do my make-up? Should my hair be up, halfway up, or down? Should I curl it or straighten it? Why hasn’t she called? She was supposed to call me. Why the hell am I being so neurotic about this? I shouldn’t be worrying so much. I mean, I already know she’s good in bed. Maybe that’s it. I mean, sure, we’ve chatted and everything, but what if we find that we can’t uphold a decent conversation outside of the bedroom? Ugh, I’m sure we’ll be fine. We’ve already declared our love for each other…clearly that wasn’t based on just sex. Why the hell hasn’t she called me? I jump about a foot in the air when my cell phone goes off and I make a mad dash towards it. It’s on my nightstand, so I jump onto my bed, but clearly I have no depth perception whatsoever, and I just end up on the other side of the bed…on the ground. Damn that hurt! I reach up and grab my cell phone.


                “Hello?” I say trying not to sound out of breath, but suave instead…of course my voice cracks because I’m so nervous, and I sound like a prepubescent boy…yeah, that’s sexy.


                “Hey, babe. You all right? You sound like you just ran a marathon.” I make a move to sit up and groan in pain.


                “Just fine…had a little accident on the way to the phone,” I explain hoping she won’t ask for details. Fortunately she doesn’t.


                “Aw! Poor baby! Well, I’m calling to let you know that I’ll be by to pick you up around seven, and we’re going somewhere nice, so dress up!” Suddenly I feel panicked.


                “Wait, dress up? How dressed up? Like, job interview dressed up, or wearing a dress dressed up?” She laughs…oh she laughs…but I’m being totally and completely serious. This is my first date with Ashley Davies, love of my life, and I would like to be wearing the perfect outfit.

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