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    I Write Sins Not Tragedies – (Chapter: Lust or Love?)

    Her lips come crashing into mine, and I moan in response while kissing her back just as fiercely. Our passion is undeniable and strong. But if her boyfriend, and my girlfriend, who also happens to be her sister, ever find out, we’re dead. I don’t want to hurt anyone, but God I just can’t keep my hands off of her! We’re both relieved that our significant others are hanging out together, just like friends. Little do they know what’s going on right now. She moves us towards the stairs, while trying not to loose lip contact, and grasping onto my shirt. All we want to do is rip each other’s clothes off, but of course we have to be careful. Just in case anyone comes home.  I don’t even want to think of the hell that we’ll have to pay for being caught. We break away from our kiss just long enough to race up the stairs, and the moment I get to the top, her lips are back on mine. We have to be careful not to leave noticeable marks. We can’t get caught.

                We stumble past bedrooms, and find ourselves in hers, and the moment that her door is closed, she takes off my shirt, and starts to kiss her way down my neck. I sigh in happiness as I let her remove my bra. Not one to be outdone, I soon find myself removing her shirt and bra as well. This whole time she’s been taking charge, and I can’t have that happen for too long; I am the more experienced one here when it comes to girls. I place my hands on her shoulders and start moving us towards her bed. She smiles mischievously at me, as I push her onto the bed. I attack her breasts with my lips and fingers, sucking, blowing, and playing with her other nipple with my fingers. Oh! There’s that moan that I love to hear so much. I love it when she makes those noises, and I love it even more that I cause that reaction. My hands move down her body towards her pants and I remove them quickly as well as her panties. My hands move up her soft thighs, and I enjoy the shivers that run through her body. I move my mouth away from the nipple I was working on, and start paying attention to the other one, and she arches towards my mouth, and I grin as I feel her hands tugging at my pants, desperate to have them removed. She let’s out a frustrated noise causing me to let out a small chuckle. She glares at me, but it doesn’t really matter. I reluctantly pull away so that I can remove my pants. Before I can return to those breasts which taste so sweet, she pulls me back up to her lips, and I hiss at the skin on skin contact.

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    1. hehehehehe…i knew it was gonna be ashley. dont get me wrong, love kyla to death…but when it comes to spencer and mind blowing sex…its always gonna be ashley that shes doing it with :-D. GREAT start. and for a newbie smut writer, you did DAMN good. and i applaud you because i’ve never once attempted. keep up the fantastic work. lovin this.

    2. hehehehehe…i knew it was gonna be ashley. dont get me wrong, love kyla to death…but when it comes to spencer and mind blowing sex…its always gonna be ashley that shes doing it with :-D. GREAT start. and for a newbie smut writer, you did DAMN good. and i applaud you because i’ve never once attempted. keep up the fantastic work. lovin this.

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