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    If its meant to be then be it…. – (Chapter: dont kno about this?)

    k guys. i want to write a story about what ive gone through these past few being spencer and then having someone as ashley

    im not a really good writer at all. but i kno there wont be like any dialuoge based on the setting of the story and how everything mixes together(doesnt make sense i kno) but if i continue writing u will understand the whole no dialuoge thing. but yea i dont kno if i should even start this because i dont kno how it ends..i dont think ill ever know..but anyway let me kno plz



    1. You don’t have to b a great writer to tell your own story. But I did the same thing i wrote my life story through spenser. so the best way to start out is ti explain who spenser is as a person and then from there start talking about what you went through. the first couple of chapters are gard but after that it just flows.

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