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    Incomprehensible – (Chapter: Chapter 2: New Fantasy)

    "Spencer! Let’s go! You’re gonna make us late for our first day of school!"

    "I’m coming! Keep your pants on for once Glenn!" Spencer smiled at her own joke and was pretty sure she heard Glenn muttering something that sounded somewhere along the lines of, "sisters whose fucking idea was that…?" Spencer walked down the stairs and grabbed a glass of orange juice making sure she poured as slowly as she could.

    "Spencer what are you retarded!" Glenn yelled.

    "No you got those genes!" Wow I am just FULL of it this morning! Spencer laughed and decided to end poor Glenn’s torture. She fixed her hair in the reflection of her glass before taking a deep breath and following her brother’s out of the house.

    Clay hummed along loudly to ‘Fun’ by "Living in Question." Glenn rolled his eyes and reached over to switch the radio station.

    "Ah ah ah," Clay said slapping Glenn’s hand away, "no touch the stereo! It’s my turn to pick the music remember?" Glenn gave Clay a sour look before turning his eyes back to the more important task of driving. Spencer chuckled in the backseat.

    "What are you laughing at blonde!?" Glenn snapped. Spencer broke out into fits of giggles.

    "Glenn…Glenn…do you realize that…you’re a blonde too!?" she sputtered barely able to get the words out through her laughter. Clay broke out into laughter in the front seat.

    "Shut up! That’s not funny!"

    Clay continued to laugh, "Yes it was funny! Nice Spence!"

    "Oh sure pick on the jock…" Glenn mumbled. The car was filled with mirth all the rest of the way to school. As soon as they pulled in and parked in the vest parking lot, however, Spencer’s nerves returned. All merriment gone Spencer took in a very sharp breath.

    "Okay…WOW…" Glenn said as he watched a pair of giggling girls pass by, "yea I will catch you two later!" he yelled as he ran after the two.

    Clay sighed, "yeah I have AP History Spence I’ll see you later," Clay said half-heartedly. Spencer protested but soon Clay was out of sight and Spencer found herself alone in the huge high school.She sulked over to the school map and found her morning class was on the other side of campus. Well Spencer Carlin! Into the madness!

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    1. Ha! Dude. I’m loving the story. You’re like an actually decent writer. I mean you are way better than some of the other loser writers on this site. I feel honored that you post your stuff on this site. I really like the story. Freaking awesome. Keep it up and PMS please. I can’t wait!!!

    2. Ha! Dude. I’m loving the story. You’re like an actually decent writer. I mean you are way better than some of the other loser writers on this site. I feel honored that you post your stuff on this site. I really like the story. Freaking awesome. Keep it up and PMS please. I can’t wait!!!

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