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    Invisible – (Chapter: 1)

    “Miss Carlin?”


    “Yes, come in.”


    “Miss Carlin, I just want-” Erin spoke.


    “Please, please, call me Spencer.” I smiled as I leaned back in my chair.


    “Okay. Miss Car- I mean Spencer, would you like me to get you anything?”


    “No thank you, I’m perfectly fine.”


    “Uhm.” She hesitated.


    “Thank you, Erin. You can leave now unless you want to ask my anything else.”


    “Oh, yes, Your manager called, he said he wanted you to meet him at The Lane tonight. Would you like me to put that into your schedule?”


    “I can do it myself. Tell him I’ll try to make it; you’re a great assistant, Erin. Thank you.” I smiled as I smoothed out my shirt.


    “All right, Miss Carlin. Thank you.”



    I spotted my manager sitting at a table drinking a cup of coffee. He eyed me and waved for me to come over. I smiled gently and walked cautiously over to his table. I looked around as people huddled together and whispered and looked at me.


    “Spencer…Carlin, right?” A woman said.




    “You were so great at your match yesterday. Your backhand was amazing. I’m one of your biggest fans.”


    “Oh thank you very much; I’ve been working hard on it.” I looked over at my manager and smiled uneasily. He shook his head and motioned me to hurry up.


    “I really got to get going.”


    “Oh, I’m sorry. Can I just get an autograph? Write it to Lena, please.” She said handing over a picture of me in a magazine.


    “Okay…to Lena. You’re a wonderful fan. Hope you’ll watch all my matches. Love, Spencer.” I wrote and gave her back her picture. She giggled and proceeded into another direction. I watched her go and walked over to the table.


    “So sorry, one of my fans wanted an autograph.” I said as I took a seat across from him.


    “I can see that.” Jason said.


    “So what do you need to talk about?”


    “Everyone loves you as a straight girl, Spence. You gotta keep it up.”


    “Jason, seriously. I can’t handle the straight crowd much longer.”

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