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    Invisible – (Chapter: 12)

    I examined myself in the mirror of a Dolce & Gabbana store. I smiled posing in the mirror to see how it looked on me. With satisfaction I fixed all my stuff on the table and exited the fitting room.


    “How does this look, babe?” I said stepping out twirling in a causal dress from one of my favorite stores on Rodeo Drive.




    “It’s only…” I spun around trying to find the tag. “Around…6 grand.”


    Ashley’s mouth dropped and she slumped down in her chair. I look at her surprised.


    “6….and 3 zeros.”


    “Baby, don’t worry, I can pay for it. Anyways it’s very cute, I like it.”


    “7 Grand, Spencer, that’s what I ear in like 2-3 months.”


    “Don’t tell me you don’t like the dress.”


    “I do no doubt about it and you look very hot, but, Spencer.”


    “Ashley, don’t worry.” I said smiling reassuringly. She shrugged and got up to browse the very expensive dresses. She kept herself busy looking at the dresses. She would find a cute one and put it near her body but then look at the tag and set the dress back on the rack. It continued like that for a few minutes before she looked back at me staring at her. She blushed and walked over to me.


    “It’s so expensive.”


    “Who says you’re gonna pay.”


    “Spence, no I’m not gonna let you pay for anything.”


    “Ashley, I have the money, I wanted to go shopping.”




    “Baby, it’s gonna be all right.”




    “For sure.” I smiled and linked arms with her motioning the sales asst. to grab my clothes and bring it to the cashier.


    “So the total is, 23,800 and 53 cents.” The cashier smiled carefully placing my clothes in a bag. Ashley looked at me shocked as I gave her my credit card. She punched in the arm angrily.


    “What’s up, man.” I said rubbing my arm. “That hurt…ed”


    “Hurt…ed? Spencer, learn your grammar!”


    “Well, sorry I’m not some big journalist thingy.”


    “Yeah, you’re just this person who hits balls for a leaving.”


    “Balls are not my thing.” I said smirking at her and lowered my eye level to her chest. She looked at me and followed my eyes down to her boobs.


    “Spencer!” She said gently slapping my cheek.


    “Why are you hitting me so much today?”


    “Thank you and have a nice day!” The cashier said happily handing me my bags. I nodded at her and left the store with a whining Ashley on my arm.


    “You still didn’t answer my question! Why do you keep on hitting me today? Seriously I bruise easily.” I asked.


    “Cause your acting so weird.”


    “I am not acting weird!” I said in defense.


    “Yeah you are, just because you’re some big tennis player.” Ashley started.


    “But I’m your big tennis player.” I smiled tracing my finger on her jaw line. Her breathing quickened as she watched my finger. I looked in her gleaming eyes and smiled. She returned the smiled and giggled a little bit. I kissed her on the cheek and headed my way towards Tiffany’s.


    “Spencer!” Ashley called out.




    “Wait up!”



    “Spencer, I can’t believe you bought me this!” Ashley squealed holding up a hear necklace I bought for her. I smiled at her knowing that I satisfied her.


    “Put it on me!” She said holding up her hair and giving me the necklace. I wrapped the necklace around her and clipped it together. She looked at herself in the mirror admiring how beautiful it was.


    “You like it?” I smiled wrapping my arms around her waist and setting my chin on her shoulder. She smiled in the mirror and nodded.


    “You look beautiful with it on.”


    “How much…did it cost?” She asked her eyes looking solemn.


    “You may not ask me that question. I got it for you because I love you and that’s all that matters.”


    She began to speak but I shushed her quickly and she shook her head. She patted my head and giggled.


    “I love you so much.”


    “Right back at you, sweetie.”


    1. i love this story!! You are an amazing writer and they are soo cute togther!! i am sooo happy that they love each other!!! keep up the amazing work!!!

    2. i love this story!! You are an amazing writer and they are soo cute togther!! i am sooo happy that they love each other!!! keep up the amazing work!!!

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