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    Invisible – (Chapter: 14)

    Ashley strolled down the aisles with the cart as I trailed behind checking off the items we picked up already.


    “So that’s five miso soup, four seaweed salad…” I smiled looking at her.


    “Three soy burger dinner, two tofu dog platter, And one pasta with meatless balls!” Ashley yelled.


    “Eww..” I replied.


    “It tastes the same.”


    “If you close your eyes.”


    Ashley sighed impressed that we both know the lyrics to that song. “Gotta love RENT.”


    “La vie Boheme all the way!”


    “Okay so we have a couple bags of noodles, some sauce, some type of vegetable.”


    “What are we cooking, again?” I asked confused.


    “fettucini alfredo, my specialty.”


    “Ahh…Ashley Davies has a specialty.” I smiled cocking one eyebrow up.


    “Mhm.” She suddenly stopped the cart. I looked at her surprised.


    “What’s up?”


    “Somebody’s following us.” She whispered and we both turned around to see a little girl. We both awed and I slowly walked up to her bending down to her eye level.


    “Are you lost little girl?” She just looked at me quietly. Her eyes started to water as she shivered. I looked at Ashley pleading for help. She merely shrugged and leaned against the cart.


    “Hey, hey, don’t cry.”


    “…” She whimpered as a tear rolled down her cheek.


    “Where’s your mother?” I asked her. She looked at me and shook her head.






    “Okay come on Ashley.” I said and picked up the little girl bringing her to the cashier counter.


    “We got a lost little girl.” I said gently putting her down.


    “Oh my god, your Spencer Carlin.” The cashier spoke. I looked outside through the window seeing a couple photographers taking pictures of me and the little girl. I looked back at the woman and smiled.


    “Can I have your autograph?” She asked holding out a piece of paper. I signed it and gave it back.


    “Can you like report on the intercom there’s a lost child.”


    “Yes, ma’am.” She said and picked up the speaker. “There is a lost girl here, if anyone lost their child please report to the cashier, thank you.”

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