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    Invisible – (Chapter: 15)

    I wake up in next to the door of Spencer’s house. It’s 6:00 a.m. and very early. My back aches from the position I slept in and my body is sore. I hear snoring and walk towards the bedroom. I stop in my path when I see Spencer in bed…


    6 hours earlier…


    How can she do this to me? Ashley is never like this, denying our love for each other. Life is so messed up. I need a drink, I need to drink. I walk into one of my favorite clubs in hopes of finding something to make me feel better.


    “Can I get a shot of tequila?” I said sitting on the stool emotionally and physically exhausted. The waiter nodded and gave me it. I took it in my hand and chugged it down. The tequila burned my throat, but it felt good. I placed my head down on the table and closed my eyes listening to the loud music.


    “Can I buy you a drink?”


    I lifted up my head seeing a very attractive woman.




    “Spencer Carlin, right?”


    “Yeupp!” I said loudly moving my head in circles.


    “Straight tennis player?” She smirked cocking on eyebrow up.




    “I’m getting the vibe you’re a lesbian.”


    “Ding Ding Ding, we have a winner!” I yelled. A couple people stopped dancing and glanced my way. They shook their heads and proceeded on with their stupid ass perfect lives.


    “So, can I buy you a drink?” She asked.




    “What do you like?”


    “Surprise me.”


    “All right, we got a frisky girl over here.” She told the waiter what we wanted and looked back at me.


    “So, why are you here all alone, in an empty bar?”


    “Why wouldn’t I be here?”


    “Cause you’re so damn hot. I bet you have everyone at your feet.”


    “Yes and no. I am hot thank you, but I don’t have everyone at my feet. Especially…” I looked away a little dazed out remembering Ashley.


    “Especially what?”




    “Your special.” The waiter said sliding a drink over to the girl. She smiled and gave it to me.

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