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    Invisible – (Chapter: 17)

    “Thanks for today,” Erin smiled as we walked through Central Park hands clasped together. Holding her hand didn’t feel wrong to me. It actually felt right, like it was meant to be…like we were both brought to New York by fate.


    “No problem…” I said shyly sticking my free hand into my pocket. It was dark now and all the lights from different building began to light up.


    “Isn’t it beautiful?” She sighed and stopped to sit on a bench.


    “Yeah, it is.”


    We sat there on the bench silent. Our hands still together, our bodies touching, and I could think about was how this happened.


    “Where are you going to stay at?” She asked interrupting my thoughts.


    “Uhh, I haven’t really thought of that. I was probably gonna try to find the cheapest hotel and stay there for awhile.”


    “If you don’t have anywhere to go, I booked at place at the Sheraton Hotel near here.”


    “Oh, I really shouldn’t.”


    “No, it’s okay, I’d love to have you there.”




    “Yeah, I mean I love having you around.” She blushed.


    I looked at her searching her eyes if she truly meant it. “All right, but are you sure it’s not too much trouble?”


    “Ash, its fine.”




    After very disappointing calls, I went back home. I found the house just as I left it, messy, dirty, and no Ashley. I laid down on my bed exhausted and picked  up my phone and dialed Ashley’s number.


    Ring. Ring. Ring.






    “Oh, Spencer.”


    I sat there listening into the phone. On the other line was a girl talking and laughing and it sounded like they were having fun.


    “I’m sorry.” I said.


    “Spencer, if you expect me to forgive you, you have very high expectations of me.”


    “But I said I’m sorry.”


    “You did what you did and I’m never gonna forget about that.”


    “Ashley I messed up badly.”


    “Well fuck who doesn’t know that. Maybe we should take some time apart, everything with us got to good to quickly. We need to wait it out.” Ashley said.

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    1. spencer cheated on ashley…..oh man that is some fucked up shit right there….and i don’t like this erin character….ashley and spencer need to talk and work out there problems…awesome post…pms

    2. spencer cheated on ashley…..oh man that is some fucked up shit right there….and i don’t like this erin character….ashley and spencer need to talk and work out there problems…awesome post…pms

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