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    Invisible – (Chapter: 18)

    I slowly turned towards Erin’s body watching her sleep. She looked so peaceful breathing in and breathing out…


    I coughed by inhaling her bad breath. Her green eyes opened lazily and looked at me strangely.


    “What?” She crocked.


    “You snore when you sleep.”


    “Well you grind your teeth.” She mumbled. Even when she was half awake she had the best come backs.


    “You have bad breath.”


    She grunted and turned over having her back towards me. I laughed and placed my arms around her waist and scooted towards her. She moaned lightly by the sudden contact and sighed.


    “You need to wake up, Erin.” I whispered in her ear. She flinched a little and mumbled something.


    “What’d you say?”




    “Erin, wake up.” I said removing my arms from her waist and sat up.


    “Don’t you dare…” She said.


    “I will.” I said beginning to stand up on the bed.


    “You wouldn’t have the guts to do it.”


    “Oh yeah?” I yelled and began jumping.


    “Ashley!” She said holding onto her blanket. I jumped harder taunting her.


    “Come on, Erin!”


    “Ash, stop it!” She said trying to sit up. I went next to her and jumped harder and she felt to her side. I cracked up as I stepped down off the bed.


    “I hate you, Ashley.”


    “No, you don’t.” I smiled and ran into the bathroom.




    I heard aloud buzzing next to me as I tried sleeping. I reached around my bed and found my blinking cellphone.




    “Spencer, my girl! How are you doing?”


    “Hello, Jason.”


    “We haven’t talked in forever and you just give me a, hi.”




    “Well, your trainer wants to meet up with you in two hours to start practicing again.”


    “Aww, man. Can’t I start later?”


    “Your not going to win the championships with that kind of attitude, missy.”


    “Shut up, Jason.”


    “Just practice at 7 and you better be there.”


    “Yeah, yeah.”


    I hung up the phone and took myself into the bathroom.




    “So what do you want to do today?” Erin asked.

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    1. Okay, has Spencer gotten over Ashley already? Please put Spashley back together. I do not like Erin and Ashley together…no good. Loved the update though. PMS

    2. Okay, has Spencer gotten over Ashley already? Please put Spashley back together. I do not like Erin and Ashley together…no good. Loved the update though. PMS

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