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    Invisible – (Chapter: 19)

    It’s been a couple hours since Wicked ended and I swear that was the best experience I’ve ever had with anyone. It was just so powerful and so strong that I was hard to take in. After the show we decided to wait in line at the stage door to meet the cast which was pretty amazing. Erin and I were completely star struck seeing them walk out. As we took pictures with them and ask them to sign our playbills we headed back to our hotel.


    “Was that the best or what?” Erin asked as she opened our hotel room.


    “It was. Thanks for taking me.”


    “It’s no problem.”


    Hanging out with Erin, and just being with her reminded me of how I was with Spencer. When Erin and I are together it just feels like nothing really matters anymore. I’ve thought of Spencer a couple times remembering how we used to smile each other, make each other laugh, and just having a good time. Just thinking about it makes me think of Erin and Hailey. Were they even a couple? Or just a small thing. I looked over at Erin, who was messing around with the TV trying to figure out how to put a DVD in. Those blonde moments of hers always seem to make my day.


    “Do you know how to work this thing?” Erin questioned smacking the remote on her hand trying to get it to work.


    “Not really.”


    “You’re such a great help.”


    “Oh shut up, what are you trying to watch anyways?”


    “Alias,” She replied holding up her Season 1 DVD. “It’s the best show ever.”


    “Never heard of it.”


    “Shut up.” Erin screamed her jaw right open.


    “What’s it about?”


    “Must I answer that question? It’s the bomb!”


    “…What’s it about though?”


    “Ahhh…I’m so smart.” She pulled out the cord from the dvd and plugged it into the whole.


    Different trailers began to show up on the TV.


    “Menu…Menu….Aha.” She clicked the button and the menu of Alias popped up. “You’ll love this show.”


    “It better be good.”


    “Fuck yeah, it is.”




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    1. ok..that doesn’t even justify spencer cheating on ashley like she did…ok…she was afraid to tell her parents…some people are….doesn’t give you the right to sleep with someone else’s girlfriend…especially your best friends girlfriend….i hope spencer gets her head out of her ass, and goes back to ashley….ashley should be at this dinner thing spencer and this other girl are going to….I WANT SPASHLEY BACK…awesome update…pms

    2. I agree with everything snowdrop1026 said. BTW Alias was like my favorite TV show of all time, until of course, South of Nowhere came along. Excellent update. PMS

    3. ok..that doesn’t even justify spencer cheating on ashley like she did…ok…she was afraid to tell her parents…some people are….doesn’t give you the right to sleep with someone else’s girlfriend…especially your best friends girlfriend….i hope spencer gets her head out of her ass, and goes back to ashley….ashley should be at this dinner thing spencer and this other girl are going to….I WANT SPASHLEY BACK…awesome update…pms

    4. I agree with everything snowdrop1026 said. BTW Alias was like my favorite TV show of all time, until of course, South of Nowhere came along. Excellent update. PMS

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