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    Invisible – (Chapter: 20)

    We pulled up to the parking lot of Arnie Morton’s Steakhouse. We got out of car and walked to the restaurant as the Valet parked our car.


    “I love this place.” Megan grinned happily.


    “I haven’t been here.”


    “Well then, this is gonna be fun.”


    We got inside the restaurant and Megan told them she had reservations for 2. The woman took us to our seats and smiled.


    “Happy Birthday,” She smiled and walked away.


    “How’d she know it was my birthday?”


    “Cause your Spencer Carlin.”


    “Haha, right..”


    People around us began to whisper and stared at us. I leaned over across the table and whispered into Megan’s ear. “People are beginning to stare.”


    “Sorry if this isn’t as private.”


    “Yeah, guess not.”


    “They’ll back off. Don’t worry.”


    The waiter came up to us and greeted us. “Would you like the menu or a visual presentation?”


    Megan looked at me knowing that I don’t know what was here.


    “We’ll take the visual presentation.”


    He nodded and left.


    “What is the visual presentation?”


    “You’ll see…literally.” She laughed.


    I snorted knowing she was trying to crack a joke.


    “So, how are you?” Megan leaned it placing her arms on the table.


    “I’m great.”


    “You sure?”


    “Yeah, perfect.”


    The waiter appeared pushing a cart of plates. He spoke about all the different types of steaks and we both nodded wondering what we were going to get.


    “And if you would like seafood.” He smiled holding up a lobster.


    I looked at it frightened seeing that it moved.


    “Is that alive?” I asked. As if on cue the lobster began to move it’s claws.


    I screamed loudly and jumped out of my seat. Everyone dropped their utensils and looked over at our table. Megan laughed loudly as she told the waiter to put down the lobster.


    “God, I hate living seafood.”


    “I can see…and everybody else too.”


    I looked around me seeing everyone’s eyes on me. I blushed nervously and sat back on my chair and lightly brushed the napkin that I placed on my lap.

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    1. aww that was awesome. I love the fact that Spencer returned the gift Megan gave her after receiving a text from Ashley, that was so sweet. I’m missing Spashley being together. This story just keeps getting better and better. PMS

    2. aww that was awesome. I love the fact that Spencer returned the gift Megan gave her after receiving a text from Ashley, that was so sweet. I’m missing Spashley being together. This story just keeps getting better and better. PMS

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