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    Invisible – (Chapter: 21)

    I stood there looking at that magazine, with me on the cover in my Adidas shorts and tank top holding up my tennis racket. Spencer Carlin the Straight Girl with No Problem. It was the perfect picture of me, a perfect pony tail and genuine smile. I remember that day. That day…with Ashley. I picked it up from the shelf and walked into the line.


    “Next!” The cashier called out waving his hand.


    I nodded and walked over to him placing the Sporty Sports magazine on the counter. He looked at it and up at me.


    “Your buying a magazine with you on the cover.”


    “Wouldn’t you? Plus the article has some good memories.”


    “Touché.” He said and beeped it in.” He pressed a couple of buttons and the total came up on the screen. “That’ll be 5.99.”


    I dug into my pocket and found a 10 dollar bill and handed it to him.


    “Have fun reading your magazine.”


    “Thanks.” I said and left the store.



    I sat on my bed and flipped to the 7 page story about me. The first page showed a picture of me laughing as I played around with my tennis racket.


    Spencer Carlin: Straight Player with Love for Everyone

    Ashley Davies


    When I first got the word that I was going to interview Spencer Carlin I wasn’t all that ecstatic to here that I would be interviewing a tennis player. When I first think of tennis I think sweaty lesbian chicks hitting balls with funky shaped sticks. But when my boyfriend thinks about them he thinks hot, dirty, lesbian chicks that know how to play. I really didn’t care so I showed up to the
    Café to get over with the interview.

                As I waited at a table at our local Café, The Lane, I sipped my drink slowly tapping my pencil against the table messing around with my tape recorder when Spencer Carlin walks in on time. I greet and have take seat. She smiles and apologizes for her jogging attire which she is wearing. I ask her politely if she wanted anything to drink and she takes it the wrong way. Arguing that it’s proper. She laughs and asks about why I write for magazines. I give her the down low on how I need rent to pay for the house.

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    1. I love Erin she’s sneaky sweet! I’m thankful to hear that Spencer loves Ashley! YEA!!!! I love this story and will try and wait patiently for the next update! It will be a stretch for me because 2 weeks is along time to wait!

    2. I love Erin she’s sneaky sweet! I’m thankful to hear that Spencer loves Ashley! YEA!!!! I love this story and will try and wait patiently for the next update! It will be a stretch for me because 2 weeks is along time to wait!

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