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    Invisible – (Chapter: 23)

    I slowly opened the medicine cabinet in luck of finding a bandage for my knee. Clutching the ice pack closer to my knee I reached over and grabbed the bandage. I sat on the toilet lifting my leg on the bathtub next to me and wrapped the bandage around the icepack and my swollen knee. As I was just about to finish my cell phone began to ring. I quickly tried to finish up as I ran to my cell phone.


    “Hello?” I breathed heavily catching my breath.


    “Whoa, did I catch you in the middle of sex?”


    “No, Erin, I was just running to the phone.”


    “Whatever you say, mama.”


    “What do you want?”


    “Oh nothing, just checking up on you.” She said slyly.




    “Must you break my lying streak so quickly?”


    “My powers are still working. Mwahah.” I laughed.


    “So, Ashley’s there…”


    “How the heck did you know that?”


    “Let’s just say I’m good friends with my friend the Universe and he’s hooking me up with telepathic vision.” Erin replied in her evil little voice.


    “Well tell your friend, to fuck off.”


    “My, my, my, someone’s needs to get laid.”


    “Well I’m sorry if I didn’t date the hottest known lesbian in L.A.


    “Well you did sleep with her.”


    “Yeah, I’m sorry about that.” I replied looking over at Ashley who was sleeping soundly on my bed. Sex with her must get her really tired. Just kidding.


    “Oh, don’t worry. One time thing, doesn’t matter.”


    “It was just-”


    “Don’t talk about it. I just wanna make sure that you don’t screw things up with Ashley again.”


    “I’ll try, but come on. I’m hot, I’m bound to have girls all over me.”


    “How I wish to be you.” Erin sighed.


    I watched Ashley as she began to stir from her sleep.


    “Ashley’s about to wake up.” I whispered into the phone.


    “All right, just don’t get into things to quickly. IE having sex.”


    “Aww shucks.”




    “I know. Goodbye, hon.”


    “Goodbye my chocolate sweetheart.” Erin snorted and hung up.


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    1. “Prepare to be Mac n’ Cheeseified!” ~ hilarious! I’m liking the light and cheery banter between the girls, it’s adorable. Great story…PMS

    2. “Prepare to be Mac n’ Cheeseified!” ~ hilarious! I’m liking the light and cheery banter between the girls, it’s adorable. Great story…PMS

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