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    Invisible – (Chapter: 24)

    “Okay, kiddies. This is how the challenge goes.” Erin announced in her best deep voice. “Each “chef” will use one, that’s right, uno, Mac n’ Cheese box. ” Ashley and I looked at her from separate sides of the kitchen confused.


    “One?” I asked.


    Erin nodded holding out her index finger. “You can only used Pasta, Cheese, Milk, Water? Butter, and one other ingredient…dun dun dun.”


    “What’s the other one?” Ashley spoke.


    “Which ever you like to pick? Now you guys only have one stove to you, so don’t be pushy pushy, I’m not up for any injuries today. Now, ready, set…” Erin waited for awhile. “Get your Mac n’ Cheese on!”


    Ashley had faster reflexes then me and was already cutting open the box.


    “And there goes Ashley Davies off to a good start.” She looked over at me, “For a tennis player Spencer Carlin does move around fast enough.”


    I looked over my shoulder and narrowed my eyes. “Shut up.” I was just finishing taking out the packages out of the box when I hear Ashley placing a pot on the stove with her water and pasta.

    She looked over at me and found me already staring out her. She smiled and winked and went on her way.


    “Ahh, the smile and wink for distraction. Good idea, Miss Davies.” Erin broadcasted.


    “You know how I do, Erin.” Ashley yelled as she took out the milk and butter out of the refrigerator. I was only putting my pot out of the stove. I didn’t focus on Ashley as I concentrated on getting my food cooked perfectly. I drained out the water placed the butter, milk and cheese into the pot and began stirring.


    “So, what is your choice of ingredient?” Erin whispered coming up behind me.


    “Uhh I don’t know? Bread crumbs?”


    “Ahhh…to top the Mac n’ Cheese I suppose.”




    “All righty then!” She replied and went over to Ashley.


    I checked around the kitchen to find my bread crumbs, but I couldn’t find it. I knew I had some around her. I looked over at Ashley’s part of the kitchen and saw them next to her. I slowly crept towards her and put my arms around her waist. She jumped a little frightened and slowly eased into the comfort of my arms.

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    1. Oh crap! Spencer and Ashley are barely back together when drama rears its ugly head, once again. I loved the mac & cheese food fight that was hilarious! Awesome update. Please update soon!

    2. Oh crap! Spencer and Ashley are barely back together when drama rears its ugly head, once again. I loved the mac & cheese food fight that was hilarious! Awesome update. Please update soon!

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