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    Invisible – (Chapter: 25)

    “Bye, Erin.” I said wrapping my arm closer around Ashley as I waved bye to Erin.


    “Byee…” She smiled and got in to her car.


    I closed the door and locked it and walked over to the kitchen. I sighed loudly putting my hands on my waist. Ashley came up behind and placed her hand on my shoulder.


    “We sure made a mess.” She laughed.


    “I don’t want to clean all this up.”


    “We don’t have too.”


    “But, it’s soo dirty.”


    “Neat freak.” Ashley snorted and made her way to the bathroom. “Are you busy tomorrow?” She called out. I looked at the kitchen, then to my room, and back to the kitchen. I shook my head and walked into my bedroom.


    “Not really, why?”


    “I was going to go apartment shopping.” She replied popping out from the bathroom, toothbrush in her mouth. I completely forget that we were taking it slowly, meaning that she wasn’t going to “sleep over” anytime soon.


    “I guess so.”


    “All right, it’ll be fun. Promise.”


    “Oh the fun of spending money for a shelter!” I laughed clasping my hands together. “Who-rah!”


    “Your such a cheerleader.” She laughed spitting out the foam of toothpaste and began to rinse.


    “I’m sure you wouldn’t mind seeing me in a cheerleader outfit.”


    She turned off the faucet and ran into the bedroom hopping on top me.


    “Whoa, down girl.” I laughed laying back on the bed with Ashley on top of me.


    She began to growl and making the cutest face possible.


    “Aww your so cute when your mad.” I replied rubbing my hand over her cheek.


    “I can get even meaner.” She replied scrunching up her nose.


    “Aww, even cuter.”


    “This isn’t fair, I can’t look mean.”


    “Cause your too cute for that.” A laughed rolling to my side so that Ashley was now on the bed. I looked at her smiling breathing in her smell.


    “You stare a lot.”


    “Well it’s your fault.”


    “I know right. It’s my fault I’m soo hot.” She replied flipping her hair.


    “You soo are.” I laughed.

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