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    Invisible – (Chapter: 31)

    “Oh fuck, Erin. Did you really have to bring THE DOG?” I asked pointing at the little puppy who was looking at me. Those beady little eyes, rawr.


    “Chill Spence. All right, I just wanted to see my favorite lesbian couple.” She smiled putting her arms around both me and Ashley. The Carlin family, however, we’re still trying to find out why there daughter and her “lesbian mate” were suddenly cussing and jumping around. Glen, knew…glen always knew.


    “Hello, family, how are we doing this lovely evening.” Erin grinned from ear to ear shaking all of their hands. “This little one over here is Jake…” Erin lifted the dog off the floor and cuddled it in her arms. “Aren’t you a good boy! Oh yes you are, oh yes you are!” 


    Paula looked at it and squealed in awe. “You are the cutest thing.” She slowly inched her hand towards the dog. “RAWR.” Jake growled at her.


    “My, golly, he’s a little bitter.” Paula laughed stuffing her almost bitten hand into her pocket.


    I leaned over to Ashley who was still in shock. “This is crazy.” She just looked straight ahead and nodded.


    “All right, let’s get this show on the road. I am still hungry, I ‘m not sure about those two…” He said pointing two fingers at us. “But I want to eat still.”


    Eventually we all settled around the table with an extra chair for Erin.


    “Soo, to continue my story.” Paula dragged on.


    “Aww, come on mom. Seriously.” Glen groaned.


    “You guys don’t want to here the story?”


    Everyone looked at each other, “No.” We all yelled in unison.


    “Well, whatever. Mama, needs to eat anyways.”


    Ashley snorted choking on her water. “Ashley!” I hissed. She looked at me with big eyes and laughed.




    We had just finish eating and Paula and Arthur insisted that they do the dishes. So all the kiddies went in to the living room to play some video games.


    Glen and Clay pulled out the Wii from my cabinet and hooked it up.


    “Is anyone up for Wii Sports?” Glen asked turning back to the girls who were sitting comfortably on the couch. We all looked at him and shrugged. “I’m not gonna play, I’ll just watch.” Erin said.

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    1. “oh for he love of mac n cheese” bahahaha that was fucking pricless…..i hope spence knows its ashleys bday i hope shes bluffing and has a suprise or ill be uber pissed

    2. “oh for he love of mac n cheese” bahahaha that was fucking pricless…..i hope spence knows its ashleys bday i hope shes bluffing and has a suprise or ill be uber pissed

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