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    Invisible – (Chapter: 33 (Part 1))

    I opened my eyes slowly, the gleam of the sun beating down onto the bed. Erin laid next to me hugging a pillow fast asleep. I waited there taking in the moment; what had happened last night was wrong. I shouldn’t have checked out Erin, but can you really blame me. She’s just so damn hot. I shook my head violently in attempt to remove that image from my brain. A deep sigh escaped from my mouth as I succeeded horribly getting out of bed. I yawned loudly because of my lack of sleep I had that night. I walked out of my room, taking in one more glance at Erin before I left.


    I stood in front of Spencer’s front door, exhausted. I reached out pressing the door bell lightly.


    Ding. Dong.


    I waited there patiently clutching to my purse. The door opened slightly and a man’s head popped out. “May I help you?” I took a step back and looked at the house. Yeup, it was the right house.


    “Is Spencer there?”




    “Spencer. Blonde girl around 5’5.”


    He chuckled to himself. “Oh, that chick.” He turned around looking back into the house and faced me again. “Her she is.” He opened the door a little wider and there stood Spencer wearing a men’s collared long sleeve.


    “Spencer?” I asked in surprise.


    “Ashley?” She said slowly. “Fuck.”



    The Night Before…



    I sat on the bar stool sipping my 4th drink of the night. I didn’t know what to do. Ashley’s birthday was on the same day as one of my very important game and I knew I couldn’t just blow off the game. This game could cost me my career and I couldn’t imagine how my life would be like without tennis. The thought of losing everything made me really nervous. I took my drink and chugged it down hoping it’ll flush away the confusion.


    For the record: It didn’t.


    I had one more drink before I was really drunk. I placed my head on the counter and closed my eyes attempting to block out all the noise that surrounded me.

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    1. I was so surprised to see this awesome story updated…wow, good to have you back! However, did Spencer really have to sleep with Aiden…OMG, this is going to be the nail to seal this damn coffin. Loved the update and now I’m moving on to the next one!

    2. I was so surprised to see this awesome story updated…wow, good to have you back! However, did Spencer really have to sleep with Aiden…OMG, this is going to be the nail to seal this damn coffin. Loved the update and now I’m moving on to the next one!

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