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    Invisible – (Chapter: 33 (Part 2))

    “Who was that?” Aiden asked as I walked back towards my house.


    “Please, leave.” I told him calmly pushing him aside so I could enter my house.


    “Spence, who was that?”


    “That, that’s my girlfriend.”


    “You have a-”


    I turned around irritated. “Yes, Aiden, my girlfriend. You need to stop asking and get the heck out of here!”


    “I’m sorry, I didn’t know.”


    “Just please, leave!” I yelled pointing towards the door. He slowly walked out of the house his head drooping down.


    I leaned against the wall exhausted. Tears started to flow down my face as I collapsed to the ground. I buried my head into my hands and screamed.


    “Spencer.” Aiden said.


    “What are you doing here? I told you to leave.”


    “You have my shirt.”


    I looked down and saw that I was wearing his shirt. I unbuttoned it and threw it at him. “God, just leave me alone.”


    “I really am sorry.”


    “Just go please!”


    He didn’t say anything else and just left. I sat there closing my eyes letting the tears fall down. She was gone, she was really gone.




    I sat in my car my head relaxing on the steering wheel. I was only able to drive as far as a block before I realized what had just happened. I sat up and slammed my fist against the steering wheel. The horn sounded causing a group of birds to fly away.


    “Great, now the birds are leaving me too.”


    Aiden pulled up in his car next to me. “I’m sorry about what just happened.” He said lightly. I looked at him angrily. I unlocked my car and got out. I stood infront of his car and looked at him straight in the eyes. He looked worried and confused. I yelled loudly slamming my fists on the hood of his nice car and kicked his front lights with my heels.


    “Damn you, Damn you!” I screamed slamming my fist harder and harder.


    “What are you doing, stop, you psycho bitch.” He exclaimed as he got out of his car. He pushed me away from his car and examined the minor dents on the hood of his car.

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    1. All hell is about to break loose and it ain’t going to be pretty! Spencer, what were you thinking…Aiden, the ex-husband, really? Poor Ashley…I think I would be done too! Excellent update. PMS

    2. All hell is about to break loose and it ain’t going to be pretty! Spencer, what were you thinking…Aiden, the ex-husband, really? Poor Ashley…I think I would be done too! Excellent update. PMS

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