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    Invisible – (Chapter: 34)

    I sat on the couch with my Mac on my lap, ready as ever to take that bastard down. My finger caressed the computer which moved the cursor towards the Firefox icon. There I typed “Spencer Carlin, ex-husband” in the Google search engine. Nearly a thousand links showed up, so I just started with the first one. It was an IMDB page of her. I scrolled down a reached a familiar name.



    Aiden Dennison (2003-2005) (divorced)


    A mischievous smile formed across my face as I picked up my cell phone and dialed a old friend’s phone number.


    “Hey, Dee. Haven’t talked to you in awhile.”


    “Ashley, hey. How’s my favorite college friend.”


    “I need a favor.”


    “Ahh…still the same Ashley?”


    I laughed lightly. “Yeah, yeah. Can you get the address of an Aiden Dennison.”


    “You know I’m not allowed to do this, Ash.”


    “Didn’t stop you before. Come on, it’s your job.”


    “All right, hold on.”


    I waited on the phone as she began typing on the keyboard of her computer.


    “Okay it’s, 2343 Main St.”




    “May I ask why you need it?”


    “Let’s just say, I need to have a little talk with him.”


    “Promise me I won’t have to rush to the hospital at midnight.”


    “Shut up! That was one time.”


    “Yeah, Ash. Like tripping on your own shoelace and then getting hit by a car won’t happen again.”


    I laughed remembering what had happened that day. I was going to have “a talk” with my girlfriend at the time, ex-boyfriend. And it didn’t end pretty well, because I was the one in the hospital.


    “I’ll catch you later. Thanks Dee.”


    I shut the phone and grabbed my car keys.



    I pulled up to a big two story, white house in the middle of the suburbs. Great, he’s rich, but that couldn’t stop me from beating the crap out of him. I stepped out of my car and made my way towards his front door. After pressing the doorbell a little jingle played inside the house. The door opened and there stood Aiden.

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    1. Ashley has effin’ lost it…man I never expected her to be that vindictive…wow! And I’ve never quite seen a house, “Pepsi’d”. LMAO! Can’t wait to see what happens next. PMS

    2. Wow…I hate Pepsi…so that alone would’ve killed me. Well, Ash is no joke, Aiden better chill out. I hope Spencer finds out, so she knows her woman is still in love with her…nice post. Cheers mate.

    3. Ashley has effin’ lost it…man I never expected her to be that vindictive…wow! And I’ve never quite seen a house, “Pepsi’d”. LMAO! Can’t wait to see what happens next. PMS

    4. Wow…I hate Pepsi…so that alone would’ve killed me. Well, Ash is no joke, Aiden better chill out. I hope Spencer finds out, so she knows her woman is still in love with her…nice post. Cheers mate.

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