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    Invisible – (Chapter: 35)

    It was two days after Ashley had seen Aiden and I together and I decided that I should call her again, so I did.


    “Hey…” Ashey said uneasily.


    “I’m so glad you picked up. I was so worried.”


    “Yeah, well, you-”


    “I still love you.”




    “I know you don’t want to hear it, but I really do.” I said straight from the heart. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean for it to happen like that. I was drunk, and he was there. I just, it was stupid and it didn’t mean anything.”


    “I know that.”


    “I just, I’m really sorry. I hope it doesn’t affect us, cause I really want you. I love you so much, that I couldn’t let you leave like that.”


    “You thought I left?” Ashley asked confused.


    “Well, I mean, you said all those things.”


    “You know what, let’s forget that okay. I got my revenge on him so I just want whatever is going on between you and him to just stop.”


    “Of course it stopped. Wait, revenge?”


    “Let’s just say…I went back to my old ways.”


    I smiled to myself. “I can’t believe you would still do that for me.”


    “Well, no one is gonna touch my girlfriend.”


    “I love you, Ash.”


    “Right back at you.”



    Two Days Later…


    Things have been going prefect with Ashley and today, was our anniversary. I stood at Ashley’s front door and laid a dozen sunflowers on her porch. I rang the doorbell and quickly hid behind one the bushes. She opened the door in her pjs and looked down. Her face let it as she saw the flowers. She picked it up and opened up the letter.


    For my princess,

    Happy Anniversary.

                Love you, S.


    I stood up behind the bush revealing myself. She laughed lightly and walked over to me and gave me a hug. “You remembered.” I wrapped my arms around her waist and looked at her.


    “Of course, it’s our day.” I smiled and gently kissed her on the lips. “How could I forget?” Ashley’s face softened and she gripped a little tighter.


    “You really know how to make a girl happy.” She mumbled still enveloped in my hug. “Thanks.”


    We stood there holding each other, taking in the moment, until Aiden pulled up to the curb.


    “Hey there pretty lady…and Ashley.” He said narrowing his eyes at her.  I looked at him angrily as I let go of my girlfriend.


    “I’ll handle this okay.” I said to her before walking over to his car.


    “What’s up baby girl?” He smiled at me.


    “No, I am not your baby girl. I am her, baby girl. What we had, it’s over. So just get over it.” I said easily and left him. I walked back to Ashley and put my arm around her shoulder.


    “Aiden, I told you. If you didn’t stay away from my girl, I will kill you.” Ashley smiled mischievously. I looked over at her and laughed.


    “You seriously said that?” I whispered to her. She nodded and then winked at Aiden. He put his car into gear and drove off.


    “He’s such a pussy.”


    “You can say that again.” I laughed and kissed her on the cheek.  “Happy Anniversary, Baby.”


    1. Aiden, their gay damn it…back off! These girls have been through so much and I’m happy to see that they are finally finding some semblance of peace in their relationship.

    2. Aiden, their gay damn it…back off! These girls have been through so much and I’m happy to see that they are finally finding some semblance of peace in their relationship.

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