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    Invisible – (Chapter: 6)

    “Erin you better get you ass here!” Spencer called out to me after her photo shoot ended. I looked up from my magazine frightened and quickly grabbed my jacket as I headed towards the lesbian maniac.


    “Yes…” I said putting my head down.


    “Erin! What were you doing!” She whispered.


    “I was just talking to, Ashley.”


    “Well I know that dummy, but why were you talking to her?”


    “I wanted to know what makes her so special to you.” I said easily.


    “Are you serious?”




    “You could’ve just asked me instead of going up to her.”


    “Well sorry if I was a tad bit scared to talk to this short fuse woman…not to metion a strong one.”


    “Heh…I am strong aren’t I?” She said admiring her biceps. I smiled uneasily and looked back at Ashley who was checking out Spencer which made me laugh. Spencer snapped out of her “bicep-phase” and turned to me.


    “She’s checking you out!” I said pushing her around having our backs towards Ashley.


    “Is she still looking?” I said. Spencer slowly turned her head trying to see. “Don’t look!”

    Spencer quickly turned her head back. “What am I supposed to then?”


    “Feel her.” I said.


    “Eww…I don’t want to feel her.” She whispered harshly.


    “Not like that, I mean can you feel her eyes on you.”




    “Forget it! She’s probably still looking at us. Okay, this is how you keep them wanting more. Walk away slowly and shake your butt.”


    “You want me to do what?”


    “Just do it…trust me.”


    “Whatever you say Miss Lesbian Expert.” She laughed as she tried to walk while shaking her butt which turned out to be a bad idea because she looked like a crippled penguin about to fall over.


    “Okay no, no this isn’t working out; we’re almost close to the door. Try the winking test.”


    “Ohhh I got this one.” She said as she winked at me.


    “Not to me, to her!”


    “Oh, oh.” She turned around smiled at Ashley and winked at her. Ashley shook her head and waved good-bye.


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