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    Invisible – (Chapter: 8)

    I slowed down as I spotted Ashley laying down exhausted on top of the hood of her car. I found an open spot near the sidewalk to park my car. I grabbed my purse and led myself outside of the car and towards her. Her eyes were closed and her slow soothing breathing helped me relax as I gently pushed the hair away from her face. Her eyes quickly opened in shock as she backed away from my hand.


    “Ashley, its okay it’s me.” I said smiling leaning over on her car.


    “Spencer…”Her eyes gleamed as a smile formed across her face. “I’m so happy to see you. I was so scared being along on Sunset Blvd. It’s really scary.”


    “And to ease your fear you fell asleep on top of the hood of your very expensive car, very smart…” I laughed.


    “I got tired, what was I supposed to do, sleep in my car?”


    “That would’ve been a better idea.”


    “Oh.” She responded looking down.


    “Hey, hey, no worries.” I said lifting her head up. “Spencer Carlin to the rescue!” I said going into my perfect superhero pose. “Dun, da ,da, daaaa!”


    “You’re too cute.”


    “Thank you!” I bowed down accepting the wonderful compliment. I held out my hand, “Shall we go back to my place or yours?”


    “I’ll go to your house.”




     “But what about the car?” She questioned.


    “Leave it here and call Shay to pick it up or something.”


    “I don’t want to leave it up to him to do it for me.”


    “Whatevs, Ashley. He’ll do anything for you.” I said grabbing her hand and guiding our way towards my car.


    “Are you sure?” She said as she stepped into my car.


    “Don’t worry.” I said patting her hand as I changed the shift and drover off leaving her car on the curve.



    “Were here…again.” I laughed pulling up in my driveway.


    “Your house is beautiful, once again.”


    “Now you get to see the inside!”


    “Yay!” She exclaimed clapping her hands.


     I got out and walked around the car opening the door for Ashley. As we walked towards the door she grabbed my hand and held it in hers. Out of the corner of my eye I saw her smiled and she tightened the grip around my hand. I reached for my key with my free hand and opened the door to my house. She stepped in taking off her shoes and nodded her head in amazement.

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