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    Invisible – (Chapter: Finale)

    Weeks later…


    Spencer finished writing her note and placed it gently on Ashley’s table and tip-toed out of her room and left the house.


    I woke up in my bed and sat up and looked around spotting a note on my side table.


    To you my love I skipped my tennis game to be with you for your birthday. Meet me at the end.

    A narrow way or passage between hedges, fences, walls, or houses.



    I peered at it confused repeating the phrase over and over again. A narrow way…a narrow way. I continued thinking for a moment and then gasped realizing what it was and jumped out of bed. The clothes from last night laid across my chair and I took them pull them over her body. I grabbed my car keys and headed out of her place.



    I entered The Lane Café looking around for Spencer. She had to be here, since she left the note. She gave up on looking and fell in line to order a cup of coffee. After a few minutes of boredom I finally reached the front of the counter


    “Hey can I have a just regular coffee and coffee cake.”


    The cashier pressed buttons and the receipt began to flow out of the register. I looked around keeping myself busy and my eyes fell upon a Sporty Sports magazine with Spencer on the cover. I took it skimming through the pages and out came a note.


    I’ve come to rescue, Miss Ashley.



    I folded the note sticking it in her pocket and grabbed her coffee and coffee cake before exiting the café. I had to drive to Sunset Blvd.



    I pulled over to the curb where her car broke down and got out of her car. I searched around doing a full 360 before noticing a poster on an easel. On the poster laid a small post-it note. I ran to it pulling if off the poster and began to read it.


    6 grand, 6 and then 3 zeroes



    I groaned in exhaustion. It was my birthday and I did not like driving around all of LA. I turned the key in the ignition and headed towards Dolce & Gabanna.


    Once again I got out of my car and walked into Dolce & Gabanna and again looking for a note from Spencer. In the middle of the store on top a seat cushion laid a wrapped up present. I ran towards it holding in my arms. A note was stuck on the top and I began to read it.


    Turn around. <3



    I turned around and kneeling down infront of me was Spencer. She held up a small box and opened it revealing a 10 carrot diamond.


    “You have stuck with me since the beginning. I know that I’ve done some stupid stuff. I learned my lesson and I promise you, I won’t leave you ever again. You are my heart and soul, Ash, and I want you to be here with me…forever. ” Spencer smiled and took one deep breath. “Would you marry me, Ashley Davies?”


    I looked down at her smiling, tears falling down my faces. “Yes…yes!” Spencer stood up smiling wrapping her hands around my body squeezing me tightly. She looked at me and smiled her eyes glistening. “I love you, baby.” I smiled back at her kissing her on the lips. “I love you too.”


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