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    It Always Goes Back to Us – (Chapter: 3)

    “I told you there’s nothing between me and Breanna. She likes me, she wants to be with me, those feelings aren’t returned.” Ashley cried. “Believe me baby, there’s nothing going on between us.”


    I looked at her, she was crying. Her face was hot and her eyes red. I sighed lightly and wrapped my arms around her, bringing her close to me. I stroked her hair as I closed my eyes. “I’m sorry for overreacting; I know there isn’t anything going on between you too.” She nodded in agreement.



    “Spencer, Spencer, Spencer, what am I gonna do with you.” Jaime said easily. I looked up at her and shrugged helplessly.


    “I’m trying to get out there, I am. Nothing happens though, I just haven’t found the right one.”


    “Well you’re not trying hard enough.”


    “How am I supposed to try hard enough Jaime? I haven’t fallen in love once since Ashley.” My voice cracked just by saying her name. Tears began to fill my eyes and before I knew it they started to fall down.


    “Spencer…” She cooed wiping away my tears with her thumb. “You have to get over her and it’s been like 6 or 7 years since she broke your heart remember?”


    “Yeah…I remember.”


    I walked up to Ashley’s room to surprise her for her birthday. I pushed open the door and smiled, “Hey, sexy!”


    “Oh shit.” Ashley exclaimed.


    I looked over next her and there she was…Breanna, covering her naked body with Ashley’s blanket. That bitch.


    “It’s over!” I screamed and slammed the door.


    I ran down the stairs and stopped at the bottom step to cry. I didn’t hear Ashley’s steps behind me. She didn’t run after me. She didn’t even try to stop me. I guess that means she didn’t…love me.


    “She had no right to do that, Spence.” Jaime said wrapping her arm around me.


    “I know, I can’t get over her. I just, I really did love her, you know? I gave up everything for her and all she does in return is lie and cheat. I had a feeling it was gonna happen, but I had some faith in her. I believed her when she said she loved me. I believed every word, every lie, and every stupid thing she said and she fooled me. She fucked up my life. I guess that’s how life goes. You fall in love to quickly and they can just fuck it up in a heart beat.”


    Jaime looked at me and nodded. She didn’t know what to say. I didn’t mind, I wouldn’t even know how to respond to that. All she could do was sit there with her arm around me. And that’s all I ever needed; someone to care.


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