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    It’s New York City Anything Can Happen – (Chapter: 1)

    Ashley took a deep breath and stared around her new apartment in New York City. It was small but well furnished and Ashley couldn’t help feeling proud of herself. This was it, where she would be spending most of her life. New York City was the perfect place for an aspiring musician to make a living. Ashley walked over to one of her windows and looked out onto the street below. It was crowded and full of activity. Many people scurried down the sidewalk hurrying off to one place or another. Ashley couldn’t wait to become one of those people who were going somewhere. She flung herself onto one of her plush couches and started to think of things to do with herself before her phone rang, filling hte room with The Veronicas. She sighed knowing who it was even before she picked it up.

    "Hello this is Frank’s Hotdogs. I’m Liza can I take your orda?" she asked in a New Jersey accent. She heard a sarcastic laugh on the other line.

    "Ha…Ha," Aiden laughed in mock amusement, "very funny Ash. You’re such a smart ass!"

    "And you love it! So what wild and crazy thing have you planned for us tonight?" she knew that whenever Aiden called it meant that she would end up at some club or another acting as Aidne’s wing chick. Funny that I always end up getting the girl…

    "Funny you should mention wild and crazy because I just got invited to a club downtown and they said I could bring a "friend," Ashley could almost see Aiden making air quotes. She chuckled to herself.

    "All right fine Mr. Buff. I’ll come. When and where?"

    "I’ll pick you up and…in like twenty minutes," now I could see him laughing histerically and that shocked and panicked look on my face.

    "What?! Twenty fucking minutes Aiden! There is no way I can be ready in-" Ashley stopped talking when she realized that she was yelling at the dial tone. She stared incredulously at the phone for awhile before jumping off of the couch and preparing herself for the night to come.


    Spencer leaned back in her chair and looked proudly arond her new office. She had just been promoted and to say she was happy would be a serious understatement. She was now only one under the head honcho at her law firm in New York City. Wow…this chair is really comfy…comfier than my old chair… Spencer fell instantly in love with the chair. The blonde was relishing in the fact that she had a very comfortable chair when her stomach let out a wine of protest. Fine, fine… She picked up her office phone, my new phone, she reminded herself and dialed her home phone number. She smiled when a familiar voice answered with a hearty, "hello!"

    "Hey babe! It’s Spencer!" she heard a chuckle.

    "Wow, Spencer Carlin the important lawyer is calling me?" she said in mock awe. Spencer laughed sarcastically at her wife’s joke.

    "Yes, Kyla Carlin, and you’re starting ot waist her very valuable time so…" Kyla chuckled lightly.

    "Oh, well wouldn’t want to do that!" she said her words dripping with sarcasm.

    "No you wouldn’t," Spencer chuckled, "Okay so…I’m hunggrrryyy!" she wined loudly. She could see Kyla wince, "what time is dinner?"

    "Dinner should be ready at six or so hun…"

    "Thanks love. I’m leaving the office now! See you at home…" Spencer hung up the phone and reluctantly removed herself from her comfy chair. She grabbed her coat and looked around her new office one more time before shutting off the lights and heading home to her wife. 




    1. God , I feel like a moron…..I read the author’s note AFTER reading the story….that’s why it kind of caught me off guard…..anyway…..this sounds interesting!

    2. God , I feel like a moron…..I read the author’s note AFTER reading the story….that’s why it kind of caught me off guard…..anyway…..this sounds interesting!

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