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    It’s New York City Anything Can Happen – (Chapter: 3)

    Spencer shuffled quickly throughout the haphazard pile of papers and files scattered about her desk trying in vain to find her most recent case. “I am so fucking disorganized.” she mumbled to herself as a pile of papers slid off her desk, “Shit!” She bent down to pick them up placing them in a tilting pile on her desk. She turned around in her comfy chair so she could rifle through a file cabinet placed strategically behind her desk. “Where the fuck-?” her grumblings were cut short as a loud beep rang throughout her office signaling the call of her secretary over the intercom. She leaned over to press the big red button and then addressed her secretary who was most surely on the other line.

    “Hello Max. What’s the news?”

    “Max…is that like a new pet name or something because I don’t know if I like it…” the blonde jumped ten feet out of her chair as she recognized the voice on the other line as belonging to her wife and not to her giddy secretary.

    “Kyla?” she said in pure shock.

    “Who else babe?” she chuckled in amusement, “I was just wondering if you wanted to go out tonight for a change of pace?” Spencer chuckled at her own foolishness, but the dark eyed beauty on the other line mistook it as a laugh at her proposal for a night out, “Oh… never mind then…dinner is at seven…”

    “What?!” Spencer asked confused, “No Kyla,” Spencer stopped her wife before she hung up, “I was laughing at myself! Dinner out sounds amazing,” Spencer could almost see Kyla beaming on the other end of the phone.

    “Great see you tonight. I love you Spencer…”

    Spencer hesitated for a fraction of a second before replying, “Love you too, babe,” Spencer hung up the phone and felt an unexpected wave of relief rush through her. Why have I been feeling so awkward lately? As soon as she had hung up the phone the familiar beeping sound filled the room again. The blonde cautiously leaned over and pressed the button but did not speak. After awhile the silence was punctured by a familiar voice.

    “Sweetie? Are you there?” Spencer felt herself smile in relief.


    “Who else?” the secretary heard his boss begin to ramble on about mistaking phone calls before he interrupted her, “Oh,” he said pretending to understand, “well anyways hun there is someone out here to see you. I think she might be a new case!” Spencer laughed at his giddy tone.

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