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    It’s New York City Anything Can Happen – (Chapter: 4)

    Spencer sighed as she crumpled up another piece of paper and threw it over her shoulder where it joined the growing pile of rejected ideas. She leaned back in her chair and peered at the clock on her desk.

    “Fuck!” she exclaimed as she saw that it was way past seven, “Kyla…” she whispered and then slammed her head hard back against her comfy chair. See, if I had done that with my old chair it would have hurt like hell! She chuckled to herself and looked around her dark office. Ashley was curled up on the office’s couch, fast asleep. The blonde had told Ashley to leave, but the fiery brunette refused stating simply that she, “wanted to make sure Spencer did the work right!” Spencer stood up and made her way over to the couch, positioning herself so that she was kneeling down in front of the brunette’s face. She reached out a hand and brushed a strand of hair behind the sleeping girl’s ear. Her hand stayed there against Ashley’s face. Suddenly, loud couching from the door made her jump and she instantly backed away from the past out brunette.

    “Boss?” Max asked curiously, wondering what the blonde had been doing. She is still married…right?

    “Oh God Max, you scared the shit out of me,” Spencer breathed as her hand gripped her chest.

    “Sorry boss…but hey,” he held up at tray laden with coffee, “will this make up for it?” he asked smiling knowing all to well the blonde’s answer.

    “Hell yes,” the blonde exclaimed with joy and scurried quickly over to her bubbly secretary. When she took the coffee she let out a moan of longing, “caffeine…” Max smiled and put the tray down on the table.

    “Guess I came to late though…”

    “Hmm?” Spencer inquired while sipping her coffee two hands wrapped protectively around the mug. The red head boy nodded his head towards the sleeping Ashley. Spencer chuckled, “Yeah she passed put awhile ago…I told her to go home…”

    “How’s the case going?”

    “Not very well…that Points fellow never actually hurt her so we can’t call it self defense… and we can’t exactly say to the judge: ‘he hurt her feelings’ can we…?” the secretary laughed.

    “No I suppose not…hey how long do you think you’re going to be here? It’s almost midnight already…” Max asked noticing the time, “isn’t your wife worried?” At the mention of her wife Spencer felt a rush of unease in her stomach.

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