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    It’s New York City Anything Can Happen – (Chapter: 6)

    A disgruntled Kyla pushed past the protective secretary and into her wife’s office. Her eyes grew wide when she saw how nice the office actually was. Having never actually seen the inside of her wife’s work space it was a surprise to her. She scoffed.

    "It’s a nice office. I can almost see why you spend more time with it than me…" Spencer looked up at her wife and found she wasn’t surprised with the raven-haired woman’s anger.

    "Kyla, please…I have," she gestured to Ashley who was lounging in the office chair, "guests…can we talk about this at home please…?"

    "I’m afraid that’s impossible," the woman snapped at the blonde. Spencer stared at Kyla confused.

    "Why not?"

    "Because you’re never home…" this time Spencer’s wife spoke quietly and the the fierceness seemed to disappear from her eyes, replaced by pure sadness. For the first time she addressses that there was someone else in the room besides her and her wife. She looked up and down Ashley observantly, noticing immediately how gorgeous she was. The brunette saw, more like felt, the woman’s eyes on her and so in turn spoke up, or rather stood up. The brunette approached the distressed wife and stuck out her hand for the woman to shake.

    "Ashley Davies, I’m a client of Mrs," she made sure to emphasize the word for the couple’s benefit though secretly she couldn’t get her mind off of the blonde Carlin’s lips, "Carlin’s…" Kyla took the hand in her and for the first time since she entered the room a smile broke on her lips. Spencer once again was not surprised. Who could resist Ashley…I know I can’t… Spencer shook her head in awe that she would even admit that to herself. She turned her face back to professional when Kyla looked her away.

    "Kyla, as you can see I’m in the middle of a meeting. So please if we could talk about this later…?" the raven-haired girl still looked skeptical so the brunette quickly added.

    "Oh don’t leave so soon!" she gave a mock pout, "but if you really must then at least promise me that we will meet again soon! Perhaps a trip to the…" Ashley looked around the room frantically before finally her eyes fell on a picture of Spencer and Kyla kissing on the steps of a museum she knew. She ignored the pang of jealousy that shook her body and continued, "Metropolitan Museum of Art!" Kyla’s smile grew.

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