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    It’s New York City Anything Can Happen – (Chapter: 7)

    Chapter 7
    Spencer opened her front door and entered the dark and silent house. She placed her keys down quietly on the table besides the couch. She looked around cautiously for her raging wife and sighed in relief when she found the living room empty. Good, kyla went to bed… we can work this out in the morning after she has calmed down a bit… Spencer relieved that her wife hadn’t waited up for her headed for the kitchen to scrounge up something to eat. She opened the fridge but instead of grabbing food like she had planned she found herself reaching for a beer bottle. As her hand closed on the bottle a voice spoke up from behind her in the dark kitchen.
    "Welcome home… glad to see you remembered how to get here…" Shit… Spencer turned around to look at her wife who was clad in her nightwear and her usual scowl.
    "Nice to see you too, Kyla…" the blonde muttered under her breath as she braced herself for the arguement sure to come.
    "You spend to much time at work Spencer…"
    "Here we go again…" Spencer grumbled to herself as she made her way into the living room taking a sip from her beer. My God… I never catch a break with this woman! Spencer was surprised at her own hostile thoughts towards her wife.
    "What?!" the woman yelled back furious at her wife. She stormed after her into the living room; steam practically coming from her ears.
    "Nothing dear," the blonde said her comment dripping with sarcasm, as she took a seat on the on the couch purposely laying her feet across the couch to insure that her wife would not sit there. She frowned, Hmm…it’s not as comfortable as my comfy as my comfy chair… she was knocked out of her musings by a whining wife. She groaned to express her frustration.
    "Do you realize that we haven’t spent one night together since…God I can’t even remember the last time!" Spencer placed her beer bottle down on the table and tried to hold back her anger.
    "We have this fight every fucking fight Kyla…" she said through gritted teeth. Apparently short temper is one of my many traits…
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