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    It’s New York City Anything Can Happen – (Chapter: 9)

    Chapter 9

    Spencer’s POV


    "Welcome to couples therapy!" the man greeted us with a small smile and a firm handshake. I looked the man up and down critically. He certainly looked like a therapists. He had large square glasses that seemed just a bit to big for his face and he was balding in the center so that the light bounced into my eyes causing me to blink several times. When my vision had returned I observed shiny’s office. It was very cozy looking that is until my eyes fell on to the couch. The connected couch. Shit, now me and Kyla actually have to sit next to each other…Just great… Curse the connected couch. Why couldn’t this therapist have two unconnected chairs like every fucking body else? I cautiously sat down on one end of the plush couch and was pleased when Kyla took her seat all the way at the other end. That’s not that bad.

    "Excuse me, Mrs. Carlin," he gestured at Kyla, "could you please move a little to the left?" What!? No damn you it was fine the way it was damn it! To my dismay Kyla reluctantly moved closer to me. 

    "Welcome girls," Didn’t we do the ‘welcome’ thing already? "Do you two have some problems?" No we’re here because we like wasting three hundred dollars per hour! My God man how did you get your Ph. D?

    "Hello Dr. Fredrick. Yes we do. My wife is never home. You would think she was married to her job not to me," Well you don’t waist any time do ya? I looked over at my wife who is sitting there, straight backed, and poised. You’d think she was God or something.

    "Mrs. Davies do you have anything to say?" What?! If I had a drink it would be all over the couch by now.


    "I asked if you had anything to say Mrs. Carlin?" No,no,no,no,no that is soo not what you said!

    "No I don’t. Look why don’t you just let my wife talk? It’s all she does anyway…" I smirked at my witty comeback and then braced myself for the verbal abuse I was soon to recieve from my loving wife.

    "Well someone has to talk around here! Do you know that she only talks to me when she has to?! She’s like a freakin’ mime…" I tuned my loving wife out. I had gotten quite good at it recently. It’s like a radio, I just turn the knob a bit. My eyes wander around the neat office until they spy the red oak desk in the corner. I smiled and crossed my legs as the image of a scandaly clad brunette spread across the top of the desk flooded my mind. It did not help in the least bit that Ashley was now removing her thong tantalizingly slow. God those hands… Those wonderful hands they’re so amazing! They’re like magic and I love it when they work their magic on me. At that thought I subconsiously licked my lips, and squeezed my legs tighter together. She was thrusting hard now, her mouth in a small ‘o’, and when she spoke I felt a shiver run up my spine, "Ohhhh Spencer! Uh…oh! SPENCER!"

    "Spencer!" My head snapped up as a painfully annoying voice peirced through my day dream. My eyes turned on my wife who resembled a tomato and I made sure to give her a glare to express how pissed I was at her for ruining my fun.

    "Mrs. Carlin! She just insulted you in every way possible! You can’t possibly stay silent!"

    "Look this was…fun but I…have other things to do. We’re going to have to reschedule," I waved my hands wildly around and began to quickly gather my things together, "this for some other time! Toodles!" I ran out of the office door leaving a very confused wife and therapist in my wake.



    1. hahahahaha YES! thata girl spencer!!! way to walk out on effing couples therapy. good lord…kyla i’m sorry, get it through your head! she doesnt want to be with you anymore..its overrr! buh bye. mmm LOVED IT!

    2. hahahahaha YES! thata girl spencer!!! way to walk out on effing couples therapy. good lord…kyla i’m sorry, get it through your head! she doesnt want to be with you anymore..its overrr! buh bye. mmm LOVED IT!

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