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    It’s Not Over

    Spencer sat in her room, wondering what exactly was to become of she and Ashley. The events that unfolded at the prom left her with a semi-shattered heart and 5 people dead. Amongst those was Madison Duarte. Spencer had managed to survive with just a bullet graze to her arm. Ashley hit her head when she fell to the ground and had a large gash on her forehead; but other than that she was fine. Aiden took a bullet in his thigh, but he survived. The thought of him infuriated Spencer.

    I was blown away
    What could I say
    It all seemed to make sense
    You’ve taken away everything
    And I can’t deal with that.


    He dropped an atomic bomb on Spencer the moment that he claimed that you don’t just cut off who you love. Ashley didn’t say a word. She didn’t deny it. She didn’t try to fight it. She didn’t try to say yes or no. She just simply stood there and told them that she decided who she loved. Spencer couldn’t handle that. She couldn’t handle losing everything for Ashley and then being spat on like it was no big deal.

    I try to see the good in life
    but good things in life are hard to find
    We’ll blow it away, blow it away
    Can we make this something good?


    She had not spoken to Ashley since they left the hospital two days ago. She didn’t want to know if what Aiden claimed was true or not. The thought of the two of them together made her sick. She could taste the bile rising up in the back of her throat. Her tears were running dry.  She knew that if Ashley would call her she’d probably ask her if they could start over. And Spencer knew exactly how weak she would be at that moment.

    Well I’ll try to do it right this time around
    Let’s start over
    Try to do it right this time around
    It’s not over
    Cause a part of me is dead and in the ground
    This love is killin me
    But you’re the only one
    It’s not over


    But what would happen if she said no? Would she and Ashley be done forever? Would it simply be a reason for her to test her pride? Would she forever question Ashley’s real feelings for her if she agreed? How strong could Spencer possibly be when it came to Ashley?

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    1. ok I KNOW where you got your inspirtation for this post…lol dude…you CANNOT be puttin me out like that…i mean yes i kno my experience didnt exactly happen like that…(it was alot more fucked up)…but COME ON JESS!its was good tho…i liked it-Tiff

    2. ok I KNOW where you got your inspirtation for this post…lol dude…you CANNOT be puttin me out like that…i mean yes i kno my experience didnt exactly happen like that…(it was alot more fucked up)…but COME ON JESS!its was good tho…i liked it-Tiff

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