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    Just Accept It – (Chapter: Four)


    Chapter Four


    It was friday night, and I am usually where I am on a friday night. Spencer is under the impression that I work late on fridays. That is the impression that I want her to remain under. In reality, I sneak off with Lexie and we get into trouble. Her brother and his friend always bring us the best drugs so we spend the night getting high or fucking, whichever we feel. And on many occasions, we particpate in both.

    I don’t have a problem with her brother and his friends, though honestly, most of them are idiots. They either dropped out, or are unemployed or soemthing like that. Either way, they’re like Lexie, which means they are going nowhere and probably never will. I dont care about them, any of them. Hell, even though I met them months ago, I dont honestly know any of them. I dont know what they do in their free time, but I can sure as hell take a guess. They’re not like those people you see who have terrible lives, but secret talents. You know what I mean, you’re always seeing young people who come from awful backgrounds, but they have something that makes them special, like a talent in music or art or something.

    Well, that isnt how these kids are. It would shock me to know if they have any talents or interests, other then pot and such.

    "Mmmm," I hear a moan close to my ear.

    "Having fun?"

    A smirk spreads across her face, "You bet."

    It was only when Lexie left the room for a while that her brother’s friend started hitting on me. Her brother was too high to notice. He was in his own little world. That’s the only thing I hate, when Lexie leaves me alone with these strange men. I despise being alone with strange men, especially ones under the influence.

    "Lexie?" I call out, in hopes of her returning. All she has to do is tell Pete to "knock it off" and he’ll stop. Yet, when I say it, it has no such effect.

    "So," he starts, but his words aren’t coming out right. He stumbles a bit and finishes, " and Lexie are together, huh?"

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    1. wow, geez hopefully that’ll wake ashley up, it’s about time she realizes that she’s got someone at home that she probably is going to need to take care of now instead of throwing her life away…. PMS please!

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