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    Just Accept It – (Chapter: Two)


    Chapter Two


    Looking back, I still can recall ever minor detail of the day I made her cry. Up until that point, I had never really seen her cry much. She was a pretty strong individual. Infact, I believe that the only time I witnessed tears fall from her face was when she found out I got drunk and slept with that girl a few years ago. It was after that that I vowed to never cause the girl pain and heartache. But we can all see how well that worked out.

    To be truthful with you, I don’t know why I acted the way I did. I promise that it wasnt my intention to cause her pain. But for some reason unknown to me, I just kept finding myself hurting the one person that meant so much to me. I remember going to bed crying, and thinking about how one day she will eventually decide enough is enough, and she will be gone, just like that.

    She was trying to grade papers. See, now with my job, I usually don’t have to much to do outside of work. She appeared to be so frusturated so I took it upon myself to try and relax her. My fingers were working their magic, and she kept pulling away, annoyed with me and my needs.

    "Ash, stop."

    Those words often escape from her mouth, I’ll tell you. If I had a dollar for every time. At times I don’t blame her because she really does work hard and she is often tired. And she’s always ill, or at least that’s what she tells me. She’s apparently always having headaches or stomach aches, or whatever. Shes been sick with so many things, its hard to keep track.

    "Just take a break," I tell her softly, but it comes out in somewhat of an order.

    "I need to get this done," she sighs.

    I was good. I listened when she spoke. See the thing is, when you feel it, you feel it and you have to have it right then and there, no matter what. At least, thats what its like for Ashley Davies. My eyes wander up and down her body. To anybody else, she wouldnt be anything special, but I love her. The years haven’t been all that great to her, as she’s put on a little weight and she definatly doesn’t look as young and hot as she used to. She has that ‘mom’ look now. Either way, I still find her attractive.

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