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    Just Friends – (Chapter: a home cooked meal, and a phone call)


    ”She called me babe” Spencer smiled


    “Babe… I could get used to this” Ashley thought to her self







    Ding, dong, ding.


    “THE DOOR, Ashley”


    “Hey ash, your 2 minutes early, that’s a first” smiling and never taking her eyes off her.


    “Well you did say 7 and looky here, IM HERE haha.”


    “OK well now that you’re here, we can almost eat”




    “Ya I need to cut up a few things and don’t you want to change?”


    “Ya but I could help you first”


    “No, no go shower and change I’ll be fin-“


    “KISS THE COOK? Spencer nice apron it really is… something, haha “


    “Hey it was my dads, shut up hahaha”


    Ashley leans over and places a sweet, innocent kiss on Spencer’s cheek. It was filled wit so much… of everything. Spencer had an ear to ear grin, which you could see for miles. They walk to Spencer’s bed room. Spencer turns to her closet looking for something for Ashley and Ashley is unbuttoning her shirt, to just where you can see her taunt rock hard abs. Spencer turns around and


    “Ahh do you want to shower now or after dinner?” she asked being cut off by her half naked body ‘DAMN!!!! OMG THAT LOOKS HOTT!’


    “Um I’ll take it now and then we can have dinner, and don’t worry I wont take long.” She said unbuttoning her pants


    “Take all the time you need, its fine. The towels are in the closet in the bathroom and I hope your fine with shorts and a tank?”


    “Ya that great, ok I’ll be out in 10”




    Both girls left to do their own things. Spencer in the kitchen chopping her veggies and trying very, very hard not to think of Ashley’s body under hot steamy water ‘mmmhmmmm,’ and how bad she’d work her. And Ashley thinking of how she was gonna get Spencer tonight, and not just sex wise either  



    “Hey you done cooking?” Knocking her out of her thoughts, she hadn’t noticed how long she’d been thinking of her, but it was fun.


    1. Carmen’s a bitch. Actually, anyone who gets inbetween Spashley is a bitch. Can you just let Carmen get run over by a bus or something? That’d be nice. O yeah, nice post. NC-17? Hot sex is what I have to say. Lol. :D

    2. Carmen’s a bitch. Actually, anyone who gets inbetween Spashley is a bitch. Can you just let Carmen get run over by a bus or something? That’d be nice. O yeah, nice post. NC-17? Hot sex is what I have to say. Lol. :D

    3. so i just finished reading all the chapters to this fic and first off i wanted to say I HATE CARMEN…also this story’s amazing you seriously have me hooked …plzzzzzz…pms…

    4. so i just finished reading all the chapters to this fic and first off i wanted to say I HATE CARMEN…also this story’s amazing you seriously have me hooked …plzzzzzz…pms…

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