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    Just Friends – (Chapter: a home cooked meal, and a phone call)


    “Well all I need is to know is what you want to drink, I have Beer, Coke, Sprite, and milk.”


    “Um as much as I want milk, I’ll go with beer, you?”


    “same, I’ll grab you one too Hun”


    They sit down together eat dinner; enjoy themselves with great conversations, about everything. They reminisced about the past. They brought up all the old and new in their lives, it felt great and it didn’t take much to make each other laugh.  They had a few more beers and moved to the couch. They were playing NBA live 07 and Spencer was clearly beating Ashley 97 to 63. Spencer just kept laughing at Ashley’s face, it was so serious. She actually thought that she was gonna win. Suddenly Spencer was attacked further into the couch by Ashley. She had started a tickle fest. Ashley was hovering over Spencer, tickling her making her laugh harder and harder every second. All of a sudden lips came crashing down into Spencer. It was incredible, soon enough both were lost in each others kisses and Ashley begged for entry, she wanted it as much as Spencer did. Spencer’s hands soothed Ashley’s back, up and down, causing Ashley to shiver by the simple touch.  Finally the long kiss had to come to a stop.


    “Spencer… I want this, I want you”


    Spencer leaned in and kissed Ashley.  Spencer pulled back and looked Ashley in the eyes


    “Ash I want this too”



    Ashley bent down and captured her lips again. This time she made sure they were locked for good and neither one of them could get out.     




    “I’ve would always imagine this Spencer, you and me… like this, doing this” Ashley said in that seductive tone that had quickly turned on Spencer even more.


    “Mhhm me too” Spencer replied getting lost in the make out.


    “Spence… bed?” she said in between kisses


    “uh huh”


    Ashley put her arms around the girls back and cupped her fine ass, holding her, and walking them to Spencer’s bed room. The hadn’t broke their kiss. Ashley push up against the side wall to stay put and kiss along Spencer’s jaw for a few seconds then pushed them into the room and then plumped them on the bed. Ashley’s hand was well resting just above Spencer’s hot spot. It was on firs and Spencer knew it wouldn’t take to long for her Ashley to hit the spot. Ashley wanted to take her time with her, I mean come on the girl of your dreams and you wanna be done in a few minutes… I don’t think so. She would make this long and hard, filled with love and passion, just what she felt for the girl beneath her.


    1. Carmen’s a bitch. Actually, anyone who gets inbetween Spashley is a bitch. Can you just let Carmen get run over by a bus or something? That’d be nice. O yeah, nice post. NC-17? Hot sex is what I have to say. Lol. :D

    2. Carmen’s a bitch. Actually, anyone who gets inbetween Spashley is a bitch. Can you just let Carmen get run over by a bus or something? That’d be nice. O yeah, nice post. NC-17? Hot sex is what I have to say. Lol. :D

    3. so i just finished reading all the chapters to this fic and first off i wanted to say I HATE CARMEN…also this story’s amazing you seriously have me hooked …plzzzzzz…pms…

    4. so i just finished reading all the chapters to this fic and first off i wanted to say I HATE CARMEN…also this story’s amazing you seriously have me hooked …plzzzzzz…pms…

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