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    Just Friends – (Chapter: a home cooked meal, and a phone call)

    That’s it Spence…Cum with me, I feel you come on baby” she cooed

    The final thrusts and curls that sent Spencer over the edge and at the same time she heard Ashley reach her orgasmic release.

    “OOH GOD…Spencerrrrrr” was the last thing she heard from Ashley.

    As she started to come back to reality she could feel Ashley still lightly thrusting her fingers inside her and a second orgasm wave quickly washed over her. Feeling light headed and very tired. This time Spencer had to separate Ashley from her body, because she could feel her body shaking with the release she had just cum with. She felt dizzy and then feel in a deep sleep, really blacked out.

    As she returned back she felt Ashley holding her and talking into her ear.  She slowly opened her eyes and was met by concerned eyes.  She also noticed here hands were tangled and intertwined with hers.

    Hey baby,” Ashley said softly

    Spencer tried to move but felt her entire body felt heavy and relaxed in the aftermath of her orgasms

    “Ash that was amazing,” Spencer said with a soar throat.

     “With all the moaning you were doing I kind of though you liked it.”

    Spencer blushed a little.

    You’re amazing,” Spencer stated as she felt herself starting to drift to sleep again.

    Ashley kissed her lips with a peck


    “Yeah,” Ashley responded.

    “I love you,” Spencer declared in the most honest way.

    “I love you too” she meant every word. Both feel into a long and relaxing slumber together.

    Ashley’s cell phone rang, but it was to far away in the room to go get it.


    “You were everything I wanted; you were everything a girl could be

    Then you left me broken hearted, Now you don’t even think to me

    All I wanted was your love, love, love, love, love, love

    Hate is a strong word but I really, really, really don’t like you

    Now that it’s over I don’t even what I liked about you

    Brought you around, and you just brought me down

    Hate is a strong word but I really, really, really don’t like you”



    ONE NEW TEXT… Carmen

    Ash baby im sorry I want us again; I know I was wrong and I know what I did was the worst thing possible and I just wanna be with the girl of my dreams again. Ur my everything, I’ll die for you any day, baby Im sorry I was wrong. Please forgive me. CALL ME please! <3 u, ur Car.


    1. Carmen’s a bitch. Actually, anyone who gets inbetween Spashley is a bitch. Can you just let Carmen get run over by a bus or something? That’d be nice. O yeah, nice post. NC-17? Hot sex is what I have to say. Lol. :D

    2. Carmen’s a bitch. Actually, anyone who gets inbetween Spashley is a bitch. Can you just let Carmen get run over by a bus or something? That’d be nice. O yeah, nice post. NC-17? Hot sex is what I have to say. Lol. :D

    3. so i just finished reading all the chapters to this fic and first off i wanted to say I HATE CARMEN…also this story’s amazing you seriously have me hooked …plzzzzzz…pms…

    4. so i just finished reading all the chapters to this fic and first off i wanted to say I HATE CARMEN…also this story’s amazing you seriously have me hooked …plzzzzzz…pms…

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