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    Just Friends – (Chapter: A New start)


    Lying in the same bed again, brought up so many memories when they were married. She laid there in a pair of boxers and a wife beater, next to her was her ex, naked. Some people would die to have such a beauty by their side but not Ashley she wanted Spencer. Last night was great but, the why did it feel so wrong? It felt like she had cheated on the best person in this world, and it sucked. Spencer was her everything. She remembered the call from last night. She slipped out of bed and grabbed her phone and dialed Spencer number.



    I could see us holding hands
    Running on the beach, our clothes in the sand
    I can see us in the countryside
    Sittin on the grass side by side
    You could be my baby [be my baby]
    Girl, you amaze me
    Ain’t gotta do nothin crazy
    All I want you to do is be

    My love [so don’t give away]
    My love [so don’t give away]
    My love [so don’t give away]


    Spencer heard the phone, but she couldn’t… no SHE WOULDN’T pick up. She was to angry, or hurt. That text was hard to take in, she didn’t believe it at all but Carmen was her wife. When the phone calls weren’t answered She left a text.


    ‘Spencer call me bak, I need 2 talk 2 u t00. I love you.’


    She’s been trying all day to call Spencer and there was no pick ups or any kinda of communication back, so headed over there to check up on her.


    “Where you going baby?” Carmen asked standing by the stairs.

    “out but I’ll be right back.” Then she headed towards Spencers.





    Ashley saw her car in the drive way and wondered why she hadn’t called back yet, she was home all day. She knocked a few times but here was no answer either.


    “Spencer open the door, its Ashley”


    “GO AWAY, I don’t wanna talk to you!!”


    ”Are you still upset from the other day” she yelled


    “JUS T GOOO Ashley!!!”

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    1. I was really liking this story until Ashley chose to disregard her feelings for Spencer and sleep with Carmen. Im disappointed that u didn’t have Spencer ask like “Why was Carmen in a position to text me last night? Were you with her?” Technically Ashley cheated on Spencer with Carmen, because they were basically already together. I don’t think it should have been bypasses.

    2. I was really liking this story until Ashley chose to disregard her feelings for Spencer and sleep with Carmen. Im disappointed that u didn’t have Spencer ask like “Why was Carmen in a position to text me last night? Were you with her?” Technically Ashley cheated on Spencer with Carmen, because they were basically already together. I don’t think it should have been bypasses.

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