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    Just Friends – (Chapter: Just dinner…Rite??)

      "Spencer wait… SPENCER will you just stop and let me explain"

    Ashley said while running and and yelling for Spencer.

    "WHAT ASHLEY, WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO SAY?" Spencer said turning around

    And showing just how many tears were coming out from on little

    Stupid action.

    "Spencer, she kissed me. She ambushed me. I had no idea she was

    Gonna kiss Me." she said thoughtfully

    ‘Ok whatever" Spencer said walking away again

    "No listen Spence she said she wanted to give US a try again and

    How much she loved me, but before I could say anything she was so 

    Close than it couldn’t stop her. I swear I never expected it"

    "But you didn’t stop it Ash, you didn’t break the kiss did you?"

    She still sounded hurt and tears starting to re-build in her dark

    Blue eyes

    "Spencer I…I’m sorry I don’t know what happened!!"

    "Ashley look I just… I just need time to think ok"

    "… Ya that’s fine, but think about what?"

    "Us!" Then she left Ashley standing here all alone. Ashley watching

    Spencer’s body get smaller and smaller by the seconds, and she could

    Do nothing to stop her; she just had to let her go.

    Ashley walked back to Starbucks to get her things then walked out

    And she heard her name being called; she turned around and was face

    To face with her beloved EX-WIFE.

    "Listen Ashley I’m sorry, I didn’t know about you two, and for the

    Kiss… ok not really but I want to make it up to you, Please"

    "Well you cant and I need to go"

    "Wait, wait ash just lemme cook dinner for you tonight and then we

    Can talk or something"

    "YOU… COOK are you kidding me, you don’t even know how to make


    "Well I know that but since you lef…I mean since we’ve been apart

    I’ve learned a lot of things. How to cook, clean… be a better wife"

    She said in a very low tone but Ashley caught it, and a little smile

    Was presented.

    "…uhhh… ok, fine i’l be over for dinner"

    "Be there at 7:30 and I don’t care what you wear, I just want you

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    1. nooooooooooooooo!! that makes me depressed and angry, grr carmen’s such a bitch, so you’d better update quickly to make me happy again! ugh, i’m annoyed now – it’s just not right!

    2. nooooooooooooooo!! that makes me depressed and angry, grr carmen’s such a bitch, so you’d better update quickly to make me happy again! ugh, i’m annoyed now – it’s just not right!

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