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    Keep Me – (Chapter: (10) Development of Confessions pt.2)

    Keep Me Chapter 10

    Normally she could control weather or not she hears the inner thoughts and musings of others, but lately….something’s been throwing her out of whack, And not only with that ability. The rest of the day she spent with her sibling constantly messing up and having to ‘rape’ her sister’s mind. The memories of pure contempt and physical torture, as well mental, started resurfacing from the deepest crevice of her mind and replaying as if right before her eyes as she stood under the pulsing shower head. She remembers how her teenage years were full of nights where she would wake at ungodly hours to see the room she slept in rearranged to look like the room of her reoccurring nightmares, she would quietly restore the furniture to its previous position’ using one of the several powers she obtained from the ghouls and ghosts who haunted her sleep, in order not to wake her new found half-sister.

    She felt the same pain surge through her as when she came home, tattered and beaten, only to find that not one person had noticed her disappearance. That not one person cared enough to realize that she had been gone for two years. Her tears are carried away with the water but her grief remains.

    “Ash…hurry up we gatta be outta here real soon”

    She smiles through her tears, knowing that if it’s anyone she could tell it would be her angel. If it was anyone she was ready to be fully vulnerable with, it would be her baby Blue. If it was any one she could trust it would be Spencer Carlin. And so the choice to just spill and protect the blonde herself was easily made as she wrapped a towel around herself and made her way to the bedroom.

    I stepped into the room just as she pulled a shirt down and turned toward me, revealing that it was her favorite ‘Bring Me the Horizon’ tee. It was pitch black and made her eyes look that much bluer. She had on those thick rimmed glasses she only used when she raced, these skin tight white skinny jeans that matched the lettering on her shirt and white and black converse. She could dress like such a teen sometimes, but she always looked good. She always looked cute, hot, beautiful. ‘She’s breathtaking and she doesn’t even know it’ goes through my head as she smiles at me.

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    1. omg u so have to post more next chapter and clear this up. i was confused at lil bit but it was still good n way to short. i wonder what powers spence has

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