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    Keep Me – (Chapter: (12) Let It All Hang Out)

    Keep Me chapter 12

    God Spencer is amazing. I mean, the passion she has for competing and cars is ridiculous. She’s so fucking good at it and I’m so proud of her.. I wonder why she doesn’t want to go pro. I mean the way she handles a car….she’s just so smooth and accurate with every turn and maneuver, she sure as hell would be on top. I love seeing that she has something to be strong in though. I’m happy she’s doing something she loves.

    They’re on the third lap and there are about 5 more to go. Madison can’t, for the life of her, get in front of my Blue. I’m surprised that she’s keeping up though. At the thought, they got to a road that was pretty wide so Madison used it to her advantage. She pretty much swerved to one side, and then when Blue went that way she switched up and went the other way. Now they’re side to side.

    It was a closed race, not that many people. So we all went into a close by warehouse where we watched the race from a huge ass TV that got a signal from the tons of security cameras, that Kyla hacked into, and the cameras that were set up around the ‘track’. At least that’s what I think she told me. She was so awesome when it came down to the geeky tech stuff and I’m so proud of her.

    Blue easily got the front position back and now they have three laps to go. I know Madison won’t win and Spence will be happy to have finally raced in New York but I’m more concerned about the two male siblings who hate me with a burning passion and that they may hurt Spence to get to me. I’ve been watching them and they seem to be too casual for my comfort. There’s an eerie gleam to them and I know for a fact they’re the reason my powers have been so out of whack. There have been way to many close calls.

    Through out the next two laps Madison had tried endlessly to gain the lead and eventually did. If its one thing I know about Spence its that she loves putting on a show and Its probably the only reason she let Madison lead into the last lap. As they approached the last turn before they would speed into the finish line Spencer once again obtained the lead as she sped down the remainder of the road.

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    1. awesome update. but what r they?? ash is telepathic and spence can shoot flames like the human torch from fantastic 4??? im confused!!! but other than that PMS!!

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