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    Keep Me – (Chapter: (13) Fight)

    Keep Me – chapter 13

    “Come on ladies. How bout you fight from down here?"

    Aiden’s obnoxiously annoying voice cut into the comforting, safe silence that always comes with holding my girl and seemed to reverberate in the night air. I pulled back a bit to look into her eyes, wordlessly expressing that everything would be ok. I let go of Ashley only after receiving a firm head nod. I then jumped off the decaying record store and landed in the left lane of the wide ass street next to Gabby, crushing the asphalt beneath me just as Ash appeared on her other side. Studying my best friend, her face was chalk white, she was in a sweat, and her bright emerald green eyes had turned to a cowering, fearful grey. I knew she was scared shitless and I also knew why but we needed her right now if we’re ever going to ditch these guys and make it to headquarters without these losers following us. We watched as the three men resurfaced from underneath the burning car and made their way in front of us.

    ‘Your stronger than him Gabs. You’ll win; just get the fuck over it. I want to see you beat him to a pulp. Got it?’

    I knew she couldn’t respond to me by talking to me as I did her so she nodded her reply as her pupils were rid from her eyes, making them hold nothing but pure white, and I could feel the heat slowly leave her body, a shocking cold left in its wake.

    ‘Don’t move an inch Ash’

    I didn’t need her freaking out and thinking she was hearing shit. She didn’t and I knew she understood that it was me talking to her. As I did the three men that we all detest stopped their advance and stood a couple yards from us in the other lane of the street. The yellow paint that stood harsh against its black background functioned as normal, as a barrier of sorts. Only this time it wasn’t separating vehicles that went in different directions.

    ‘We need to immobilize them. So that they can’t follow us. If Gabriela has issues finish it, I can handle the brothers. Ok?’

    I assumed to receive a head nod in response but she just talked to me the same way I had to her.

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