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    Keep Me – (Chapter: (1)Blue)

    ‘It’s the third time this jerk has tried to seriously kill me. I mean really, is five-hundred dollars really worth my fucking life!’, the figure behind the wheel of the dodge sf-4 equipped with clutch and an amount of nitrous that should be considered illegal didn’t think so but obviously the man of some sort of Hispanic background driving way too close to the dodge had other opinions on the value if a life. THe dodge driver, approaching a seriously dramatic turn, changes gears and presses the breaks. Almost simultaneously, but no, that would only fuck with the suspension. A second later a wicked grin is plastered on said drivers face. A moment after that “too wide” voicing the confirmation of the fact that Pedro’s drift simply sucked. Which left plenty of time and space for his opponent to zoom past, frustration with his previous murderous actions left behind along with him?

    The adrenalin rush kept pounding through the veins of the driver as the vehicle crosses the makeshift finish line of a spray paint line in the raw concrete called a street.

    “Blue, Blue, Blue….” chanted repeatedly as the crowd waited for the winner to appear from within the heavily tinted windows of the electric blue vehicle. Mabel that’s why the racer was called “Blue”….who really knows? No one actually. Pretty much now one knew anything of blue. You know, besides the whole ‘street racing prodigy’ thing.

    Inside of the machinery Blue tucks hair into a beanie and pulls on a pair if shades before putting on a huge leather jacket way too big for the heat L.A. Is now omitting. Blue takes a deep breath before stepping out of the car facing the crowd as silence ensues. Not for long though because as soon as Blue’s famous grin is on that face the cheering and roaring continues. As Blue takes a step or two to the right and faces the ‘commissioner’ five hundred dollar bills are placed in the drivers hand along with the usual “good job kid” that came wither racing and winning these…..races.

    “Hey Blue, you did great. I’m so proud of you” the petite redhead said while wrapping her arms around her counter parts neck. As she did so Blue caught the eyes of the vaguely familiar brunet who’s eyes were the average brown, but of coarse, they seemed so much deeper and who, since Blue’s moving to L.A. has been at every single race. Alas, just like that they were gone, swallowed up by the sweltering mass of people surrounding Blue, making the only response a conscious one.

    “Lets get outta hear Gabby, I need you tonight”

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