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    Keep Me – (Chapter: (4) Flooding Secrets)

    >> He is no way in hell a ‘he’<<
    We stood there for a moment. Me staring defiantly into Blue’s eyes, which by the way are an absolutely gorgeous shade of blue. Maybe that’s where the name is from. Although, seeing as this is the first time I’ve ever witnessed Blue without shades on, I seriously doubt that theory.

    Anyways, the more I stared the more I realized that Blue was in fact a chick. A hot one at that. I slowly let a smirk slip unto my lips as Blue’s brows scrunched together. Knowing I had the attention I let my gaze fall onto ‘his’ chest, raised an eyebrow, and then brought my eyes back up to those baby blues, getting my point across. I was further proofed correct of my previous assumption when I saw the oh so recognizable flash of fear go across HER beautiful azure eyes.
    "Are we gunna make a deal or just googely eyes?"

    Aiden puts his arm around my shoulders for some idiotic reason and I see Blue start to smirk. Her smirk only widens when she sees me shirk off his arm.

    Why on earth is that?
    She so knows. Shit! She so fucking knows! I am so fucking screwed.

    "Are we gunna make a deal or just googly eyes?"

    Trust Aiden and his punk ass to ruin our little moment. He always ruins shit. From when he stole all my savings and my girlfriend when we were back home to right now at this very moment. He snakes his arm around her shoulder as if marking territory and my smirk is back in place at the very uncomfortable look on her face. She shrugs his arm off her and my smirk only grows.

    "When’s the 1st race T.H.?"

    "T.H.?" she said looking at Aiden with curiosity and anger. I wonder why she’s miffed.

    "Thieving Harlot,"

    I say simply as Aiden’s face grew red with anger and I just smiled innocently at him.

    "anyways, just tell me the info…..this little reunion has me ill. So, time, place, car, opposing."

    The yet to be named brunet, looked at me hard before turning her gaze to Aiden. He glanced at her but then kept his eyes trained on me.

    He sighs, "Midnight tomorrow, Griffith Park, Muscle, and Ashley Davies."

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