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    King High East vs. King High West – (Chapter: How it started)


    Spencer’s Pov

    My name is Spencer Carlin and i’m 17 years old. Before I tell you about the schools let me tell you about me. You already know my name, I have three sisters and a baby brother. Kerry is 16 years old and she goes to king east, Kayla is 12 and she goes to king middle, Harmony is 10 and she goes to king elementary and Cameron he is 3 months my step mom just had him. I live with my dad, my mom died when I was 12 from a drug overdose. I go to King East and i’m the captain of the cheerleading squad along with my best friend Chelsea. I have a girlfriend, did I forget to mention that i’m a lesbian. My girlfriend name is Becca Grant, she is the point guard for the girls varsity squad. We have been going out for six months now, and she is the sweetest girlfriend ever.

    Now about the schools, King High East and King High West have been in a fight for a while now. Nobody really knows how it started it’s a mystery, whenever we play King West their is always a fight going on in the game. Becca always gets in a fight with King West point guard Ashley Davies. She is the best for King West and Becca is the best for King East. People from my school don’t talk to people from King West. If you do, it’s like social suicide. You will be hated by the whole school. Welcome to my life.

    "Hey baby." Becca says to me.

    "Hey babe, are you ready for the game." I say

    "You know it." Becca Says

    "I’m going to be cheering my ass off for you, and don’t fight tonight because if you do you want get your reward from me later on tonight." I say in a sexy way.

    We have a game tonight and guess who we are playing, King West.

    "Oh you know I will be good babe and I love when you cheer for me in that sexy ass uniform." Becca says.

    I’m blushing crazy, then I kiss her because she is so damn sweet and makes me feel good. We are making out and then someone interrupts us like always. 

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