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    King High East vs. King High West – (Chapter: How we met)



    Spencer’s POV

    I bet you are wondering how me and Ashley got together right? Well it all happen on one depressing Saturday night. Becca had an away game in Texas and I was missing her so Chelsea called me up and told that my really good friend Kyla was having a birthday party and invited me. I didn’t really want to go because I was missing my girlfriend and didn’t want to go anywhere without her. But Chelsea talked me into it saying how upset Kyla would be if I didn’t support her and go. So I got up and got dressed in a blue jean ripped abercrombie skirt and a really cute shirt.

    At the party

    I drove to the party and let me tell you it was packed and loud the music was so loud you could hear from two blocks away. I parked and got out my car walk up to the door and meet up with Chelsea and to find Kyla to tell her happy birthday. After walking around for a while I found Chelsea dancing with her boyfriend Glen.

    "Hey girl i”m so glad that you made it." She says to me.

    "Well you talked me into going, now where is Kyla so I can wish her happy birhtday?". I say

    "Oh she is in the kitchen talking to her sister Ashley." She says to me.

    I was a little confused because I didn’t think any West people were going to be here. I so hate people from West and I didn’t want to have a run in with them tonight. Chelsea must saw the confused look on my face so she explained to me what was going down.

    "Oh it’s just Ashley thats here from West she had to come to the party because she had to be here for her sisters birthday." She says.


    "Well go have some fun im about to go find Glen so we can go to one of the rooms she said with a wink."

    "Eww Chelsea I do not want to know about you and my cousins sex life"

    "Whatever girl see you at practice on Monday"

    "Alright bye"

    So much for coming to this party when Chelsea was going to leave. I just walked into the kitchen to get a drink because their wasn’t anything to do because I was depressed cause I miss my girlfriend. After my first beer I started drinking more and more I was trying to get hammered so I would forget about being depressed but someone messed up my concentration.

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    1. OMG!!!!!!!!! i know u wrote this a ehile ago but i still think that you need to post some more. i love your idea and i really like this story, please comtinue!!!! I will be sooooo greatful if you do!!!! so please pms!!

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